6 Last Minute Changes for 2.5

I’d also add a toggle to Terror Zones to have them not tied to character level, but directly level 45/47/48, 71/73/74 and 96/98/99, depending on difficulty and monster rarity.
I am personally opposed to mandatory level scaling, so I would like this option to avoid level scaling.

It’s a bug according to Arreat Summit, “wearing this set will increase casting delay resulting in slower casting (even with fast cast items). This is a bug and has been reported.”



Right, but then there’s the kicker of, is it an intended bug? Everything we know since the set’s inception (that is has not been changed or “fixed” despite full knowledge and even as you said, confirmation it’s a bug) leads me to believe that again, thats just how it is and how it’s intended to be. Sorta like the viper poison attacks were a “bug” but fully intended. Same with doll explosions are “bugged” but fully intended. And on and on. The distinction is important when calling for changes to something already working as intended.

Most if not all of these would be good and quick additions, I hope some of them make it into release.

It’s not really an issue for poison necros or summon necros but bone necros are dead in the water. Yes they do have a quick action frame but it doesn’t really help anything since they still have such a long total animation, I know there’s the old trick where you can interrupt your animation right after the action frame but it’s not really something you can do consistently.

FCR Cast Frames
0 23
6 22
11 21
18 20
24 19
35 18
48 17
65 16
86 15
120 14
180 13

Even at the fastest speed that’s attainable (15 frame) you’re casting at the speed of a necro with 0 FCR. It’s just kinda clunky is all, especially for newer players. You go through the trouble of acquiring the whole set and then you’re casting slower than you were before.

I don’t think it’s a good quirk of the set, even if it is intentional (which we don’t know).


Frozen Orb

  • increased synergie from IceBolt to 5%
  • Cast Delay is set to 0.5sec


  • removed FireBall synergie
  • increased FireBolt synergie to 7%


  • reduced impact time by half
  • added physical damage

Molten Boulder

  • removed Cast Delay


  • added 1% FRW per lvl


  • allowed to cast Teleport while in form

Blade Shield

  • no longer uses weapon durability


  • now using Classic mechanic

Yes, I would like to see classes changes as well for Patch 2.5 (see thread below), but these would require extensive time to implement. I was focusing on last minute changes they could implement extremely quickly.

Double stash tabs & apply to classic as well.

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more character slots and + 1 personal character stash tab
(meaning each character will have 2 personal stash tab)

and that would be great along with that list.


Fix fhr before you kill this game


Agreed. I don’t PvP and think the changes they implemented for FHR and stun immunity were completely unnecessary. PvP is an important element and needs fixing.


whats wrong with fhr mate?

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Instead of trying to explain this issue, I’ll leave it to the pvp community as they can explain it alot better than me, check this thread out…


how are you guys using up all your character slots? lol

how many hours do you play d2r? like wtf play something else or go outside. ya’ll must live on here

People like to try different builds, have mules for additional storage, hardcore vs. softcore, so character slots get used up pretty quick. Doubling the number of character slots is a no-brainer QoL feature to implement and has been requested countless times.


Agreed. I was going to add to the list for expanding shared stash to classic, but was unsure if that was a quick fix or not. I’m trying to keep the list for things Blizzard could implement in days, not weeks.

For once a smart list on this forum, i agree 100%

Especialy pvp part :innocent:

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Appreciate the feedback, hoping to see a few of these features for the launch of 2.5.


this would literally make leveling EVEN FASTER than terror zones are going to make it. like waaaay faster for the right builds/gear. such an easy no

If you are worried about leveling speed, you should be opposed to the concept of Terror Zones as a whole. The difference in leveling/gearing speed between the always top-level version and the normal version is negligible compared to the difference between terror zones and non-terror-zone content.
The issue is that, by making the level-scaling version of terror zones the only available version of the content, you are forcing players that enjoy the feeling of empowerment by gaining levels into content where you are weakened by leveling up, which is likely to push part of the community away from the game.

Lol imagine a level one just starting out in normal and a terror zone is active for the den or blood moor