50% MF increase?

You misinterpret the buff as a multiplicative bonus, get mad when you find out it’s only additive, then you come here to the forums to spill your haterade.

Real nice.

Meanwhile the hidden motive is wanting uniques and set items dropping everywhere. There is already a Diablo game that has that feature.

see thats the thing everyone thinks its %50 jedi EVERYONE cus thats what they say its 50% not oh yeh its just +50 mf bonus

why are u defending this?


Why do I get the feeling I’m talking to Stanner/RandyBoggs/BigJay?


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ur talking too johnyboy the one and only, i use logic not oh well its their game they can do what they want?

just to let u know i played D2 day one and wow day one this is one of those things that guarantees a uninstall at this point

and VV can rest in peace this will be the last game i ever get from them lawl

first and last sad really

OK. Bye. Do you need a hand with the door so you can carry the rest of your haterade out with you? :point_right: :door:

dud ur trash, uninstall loves it when blizz hands him chocolate covers peanuts when its really just sht

you people cannot be serious in this thread… or you don’t know how mf works… in which case… wow…

in classic MF is bigger then u think, im not playing rune finder

also dont use incorrect english when talking too people smarter then urself % isnt + when u say 50% mf boost people expect 350 / 2 + 350 = 475 not 350 + 50 = 400

but you litereally think they were giving like 50% boost and not just, +50mf… the whole time… BTW they always use a % for mf, even if they just add literal 50 mf, it’s NEVER 50 percent more… you have to be kidding. (this has nothing to do with classic vs lod, just you vs … how mf works)

they were giving you +50 mf that’s it. so if you had 0, you have 50 now. you see how that works?

math is hard guys… LAWL

ur just defending blizz shady practices

go play diablo immortal

they didn’t do anything shady, they said they were giving +50mf and they gave +50mf … it’s not their fault you can’t understand +50 = +50 and not +50% to your current mf.

maybe learn how the game works that you’re playing before you tell me to go play immortal (a game i have absolutely no intention of playing ever in my life) …

thats not what it says where do u get 50+mf means 50% mf boost

Wait until they find out it has diminishing returns. :stuck_out_tongue:

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ok then why have they given everyone +50 mf… genius… (i’m done here)

keep enjoying ur dead game then im not worry blizz is just going the way of the dodo PZ blizz GL with that

not like kings cant disappear just like sierra/interplay

While I certainly don’t care much for many of the practices of Blizzard… the game is fine.

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no its not but keep eating the trash they hand u, i bet u think i-diablo is great…

i hope u know D4 is no dif right

Actually I’m a pretty vocal disparager of Diablo Immortal, and newer Blizzard products in general. I haven’t cared for them as a company since around 2012.

Out of all the things to raise heck about though a 50% MF buff ain’t one of them. It was likely well intentioned, but misguided. I frankly doubt the people behind the idea know enough about the intricacies of the game to realize that +50% MF doesn’t do much for most builds, and is actually a hindrance to people farming bases.

It’s fun to joke about, but seriously… it’s just as silly as the people saying they are going to quit because you can ID items in the cube, and it has a hotkey lol.

People have been calling D2 a dead game since 2004 at least. Hell an entire new generation grew up and can vote note since D2’s been a “dead game.” Yet here we are.

i raise a stink cus they are again false advert, dont say one thing and do the other?

and just to let u know D2 waz still boooming up till 2011

i can say the same thing about share stash not being in non expack