30 Day message needs to be handled better

Ok I understand I haven’t run the game “online” for 30 days, but seriously LET ME CLOSE THE GAME or let me LOG IN. Don’t send me back to the main screen only to reopen the message. This is bad design and had me cussing at the game. Don’t force me to alt tab and force close your game because you won’t give me the option to exit the game.

I’m sorry if the caps offends anyone, but it was a bit frustrating to deal with seeing the same message 5-6 times as I was hoping your game would either A) let me close the game and relaunch through Battle.net or B) prompt me to log into battle.net. or C) give me both options… Please at minimum add a button to exit the game to the message.

Got the same problem here. How to fix it?

Dude look around the forum…
The answer is there for a long time…


My point was specifically for when running the gaming with a mod or in offline mode. I have no personal issue getting online, but the method the game has for handling the “error” is unfriendly to say the least, to the point I would consider it a bug.

there is a way around this, though shareing it here may make blizz consider remodded ban and sue the person behind it… i literally don’t use battle.net app at all unless one needs to update the clinet… i play rarely so there are breaks of 30 days or longer sometimes, and i never had this problem…