30-40 fps on a 3080?

dude im getting like 35 fps on a 3080 w/ i9 10th gen 64 gb. All my other titles like MW are running a solid 130-140 fps. Ive updated all drivers, anybody have a possible solution?

I wish I could help, but all I can tell you is that you are not alone. My video quality diminished pretty bad starting today.

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Weird. R9 5900X and RTX 3080 here in 3440x1440, not a single frame below 60 FPS…

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That sucks. I get about 75 FPS with weaker hardware. I had performance issues until I updated to the 9/20/21 nvidia driver.

I get huge frame loss on just the diablo 2 logo with the flames…thats only issue i have on 3070 rtx

ryzen 3600, 16gb ddr4 3000 rx 5700 all stock. Getting about 75 with dips to 60 in heavy combat at 1080p. You should definitely be getting higher

performances are not steady at all for me.

itll be super smooth for a while, then choppy af, then smooth again after a loading screen… cycle repeats.

i cant seem to notice any pattern its just… not steady. playing with settings doesnt change anything in that regard.

do you have a framerate cap set in the video settings? What is the usage of your gpu while you’re playing? Is it super low or maxed? I run good framerates on a 1060 strix, something is wrong.

check ur cap frame rate in game

Same setup as you and I’m hitting >140fps on 3840x1600. Check if you don’t have a max fps set (I set mine to 90fps after seeing it would handle 140+ no problem just because D2 is not a game where FPS matters and I don’t need my GPU running at max).

I found a fix, check my forum post and if it helps feel free to donate forum gold
So i have a Intel i7 8700k @ 3.70GHz , Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti and 32gb of Ram which is way more than enough to run D2R yet i was normally stuck at 30-40 FPS max even though i could run way more graphically intensive games with 200+ FPS… After changing these settings i’m now at 90-100 FPS consistently.

And if you do a quick search on google there’s countless Blizzard Forum Threads : 30-40 fps on a 3080?
of people with even better PCs than me having the same issues, then theres people with totally trash PCs getting even better FPS than us lol…
I tried tons of things to fix this, even wrote BNET support just for them to basically say “Yea we arent aware of such performance issues, therefore they dont exist”

First thing i recommend is disabling all Overlays including Steam, Discord and Nvidia Geforce Capture…

Second and most importantly is to enable “Ultimate Performance” mode for your power options. For some reason this option isnt even available by default on most Motherboards and has to manually be activated through command prompt

Press WINDOWS KEY + X then open Windows PowerShell (Admin)
Type this command : powercfg -duplicatescheme e9a42b02-d5df-448d-aa00-03f14749eb61

Third step is to change the Windows Graphics Settings for the D2R applicaton
Go to PC Settings and search for Graphics Settings
In there Browse for the D2R.exe, add it and set it to High Performance as shown below

Finally there is 1 last thing that i noticed can cause serious performance issues and that is having a USB controller plugged in but not using it and instead using Mouse + Keyboard.
I play Fighting games like Tekken 7 so i normally have my Arcade Stick plugged in and set aside but i actually noticed this to be a cause of performance issues not only in D2R but other games like Killing Floor 2 and Smite … So make sure if youre using a keyboard + mouse and have a USB controller plugged in to unplug it…

I hope this solves your issues. And if it did feel free to donate on JSP to @GlobalModders

Clear your game cache. This worked for me and my brother. It’s shame this game does this…

This isn’t a problem with D2R. You’ve got something else fighting for control of the controller while D2R is open. That causes a polling conflict. I’ve got two controllers connected. One is a DS4 and the other is a DS2 connected via 20 year old Pelican PSX to USB adapter. Neither causes problems with KB/M mode in D2R. If you have software such as DS4Windows, JoyToKey, or another third party driver, that is what you need to disable or blacklist with D2R. It’s the same reason that when I’m done playing Zelda 2 PC I need to kill JoyToKey so my other games (especially Steam) don’t spend their entire time fighting for control of the controller(s).

You might want to remove that part of your post. Advertising, especially for that site, isn’t allowed here.

Rarely goes below 120fps at 4K max settings with a 4090.

Well for starters, I would hope not. The above issues are not graphics card issues at all, in fact, any cards from a 1080ti and newer shouldn’t have issues at all.

I have a 3070 Ti and I never get drops UNLESS it’s on Travincal inside the Black Temple, before going down into the Durance. The stairwell is all sorts of bugged too, it looks blurry as if it was constantly shimmering.

Maybe it’s time for an upgrade!