100% I will not back to this broken game w/o big changes so I just want to share my 3ez steps how I would make this game playable again for masses.
Teleport - add 2sec perm Cast Delay
add Pesonal Loot - as option
stronk buff synergies, but with 20 syn points limit per skill - every skill is limited to 20syn points
Extra 4
make perm quest drop for all Bosses
Extra 5
Add new Rune Word:
~99 lvl req
~5sox Staff - IDK runes ~Cham Ist Zod El Sur
+3 to all skills
+50% FCR
+65% FRW
+1 to Teleport*
Teleport Cool Down is removed
lvl 9 Fade when equipped
~15% chance to Cast lvl ~30lvl Skull Missile when Cast a Spell
+rune effects
1best would be change Tely to 30lvl skill and increse mana, but its too complex change, CD is EZ and works well on every lvl
Enjoy, ppl will play this game as intended, in groups, no game breaking Tely from low lvls, no problems with immunes with team play, no more problem with shared drop, also no more one skill+nergie idiotic and boring builds.
to these purists and botters who want to stay with the same broken meta and outdated gameplay coz of some proffits from dying game…
Did you not get enough negative feedback from the Teleport thread you created a few days ago? I guess not, because here you are basically creating it again along with another hotly debated request… Personal loot.
If you want a game that evolves, you’ll have better luck with a newer game, or with a subscription based game.
No matter how much this RW would cost, by your idea making it the only possibility to cast teleport without that 2s delay AND the requirement of lvl 95 will create even a bigger gap between casuals and cheater.
People enjoy the game for a vast array of different reasons, so they may like those systems for reasons that you simply don’t understand.
For example, when I pick a movement skill, I intend it to use it to move comfortably when I want to, not simply once every half an hour. I have played Diablo 3, so I know that heavy constraints for movement skills kill the enjoyment of those skills, which is a strong negative for the game.
I understand TheDarkJedi’s comment, as ZorKA’s suggestions on Teleport tend to be on the more absurd side.
What is it to you? Convinced you get paid by this atrocity of a company to just poop on every post that’s asking to breath some type of life to this has been of a game.
What gap? You can buy enigma for 56 cents right now…… the gap has always been created and allowed by this company for not doing enough to ban bots. A ban wave once or twice a year….
Teleport is a cancer to this game. The dumbest ability ever created. People just give up and move on. Keep your game, enjoy when there’s nothing left but empty maps and ppl like you.
And I’m convinced that you’re another one who expects endless changes and updates like paid sub games get for a cheap one-time payment for a remaster of a quarter century old game. You have little to no understanding how economics work, how publicly traded companies work, along with not having a shred of a clue of what a game “remaster” is.
Again players would have to make a choice 2sec CD Tely from Nigma with GG dmg, breakpoints, shield/2nd wep, life, res… and etc OR super fast no CD Tely from Staff with worse cast frames/dmg/res/life/fhr… no shield… no weapon.
NO if ppl will start farm their items together, then cheaters and their botted gear wont be attractive and needed as it was in solos game, there wont be a wall in NM/Hell due to immunes or fast rushes.