2.4 Spearzon Thread

Thanks. Had always known that 5fpa fend was possible at 125ias… Got some nice jeweller’s circlets to use for this.

What supporting gear do you use with ghost spear?

How is fend possible at 5fpa?
That’s my bowazon switch with 1 point fend as of now. I jab with it like crazy vs Baal and Dia. My testing was in PTR2.4. There I had loh, andy, highlords, eboted gp and coh. Then during the testing, I stacked my inventory with resistance charms and put cat’s eye with enigma on. Then harmony on switch. Those changes made her super fast and deadly. I had her as lightning and fendazon hybrid there.
I maxed charged strike, lightning strike, 1 point in all passives except max critical strike and 1 point penetrate, max fend and rest into power strike.
Eth Matriarchal Spear is superior to ghost spear for this build but then you can use that spear on ama only.

Ok Crazy check my setup then, it’s on NL, i am running CS and cows mainly:


The only way to max resistances is to use GCs, and max dex is for ar/dmg (class specific ama items gets dmg both from str/dex).
Keep in mind that in 2.4 fend has increased speed - so pike most likely will be superior to spear.

As i wrote - i am going to check 1h Demon’s Arch with Phoenix and Infi - more focused on elemental dmg than physical.

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This is how I’d play her specially in 2.4:

because the light synergy is going to become very strong.
2.4 version:
You have charged strike for annoying immunes, lightning strike for big AOE damage and fend for the physical part. There is hardly any physical damage difference between this build and your current one but you can dish out all types of hurt at once. If you want to concentrate on light damage your current gloves are good enough otherwise I’d recommend laying of hand for the physical part. You’d hurt demons around 30% more.
Interestingly enough, having an infinity would make sense for this build :smiley: I’m also not sure how demon arch is going to outdamage charged strike with the amount of +skills you have.

By the looks of it, Ghost Spear at 125%ias is also 5 frames, but the start/end frames are faster making it 2.63 attacks per second. War Pike can reach 2.38 attacks per second, making Ghost Spear 10% faster, but then War Pike has more than 20% more damage than Ghost Spear before charms.

For the hybrid I am planning +3 matriarchal pike is the ultimate weapon but I am going to make one in 2.4 when d/a/e are fixed. I might post a video of a bowazon with a spear on switch for diablo :smiley:

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I have updated my gear a bit - swap gores for war travs, got gloves ama 2/20+14str/+11dex, added SC with frw and 1-33/35/37 light dmg. So im now at 21k dmg from fend and 17k from jab.
For eth demons’s arch +Phoenix and infi it look decent with jab, but i have to wait for 2.4 cause fire storm gives cd on skills… and fend is unusable.

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Infinity, Obedience, and Pride can now be used by Spears and Amazon Spears

Your build is goingbto become top tier melee.

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So in my opinion only Obedience is cheap alternative weapon. High end still remain Botd, either Pride and Infinity still cannot be made in eth weapon. So Fend is not an option for weapon with durability anyhow.
But i think it may be possible to made some good comp focused on elemental dmg with Infinity and a5 merc dual wielding Last Wish and Beast. If anyone could afford it :crazy_face:
Or maby Plague for lower resist?
Depends on what kind of weapon new a5 will be able to equip.

  1. I saw the info circulating around about beast and last wish. Beast can only be made in axes/maces/scepters, act5 barb can only wield swords.
  2. Double last wish pb would give him stacked might aura but you can get an act2 merc with might + pride/infinity/reapers for peanuts. I’d rather give him 2x plague and use him as pure blocker or double lawbringer for decrepify all over the place and nice stun vs undeads.

Double sword is confirmed?
I still cannot connect to PTR, so i assume it hasn’t been started again.

If so it would be even better for my Windy druid - double lawbringer with Frenzy instead of single one :wink:

But double Plague will be really strong for any elemental dmg dealer :slight_smile:

Ok guys, i’ve finally made test on my fend ama - so 2h matriarchal pike ebotd with might+Pride desert Waheed is great.
But i feel eth Demon Arch+ Phoenix and Infinity merc might more funny to play.
I don’t see any significant difference between killing speed on p1, with the remark that on 2h botd i need use atma’s scarab swap from cube (with Demon Arch there’s no such diemma). That are few first impressions.
On some point Ill test both comps on higher players count.
Anyway - happy fending for all!

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I have an ebotd ghost spear lying around I might make one.

Hey guys check this:

any new findings on fend ebotd vs shield and javelin?
I have runes ready and hoping I do not regret using it.

I am sure shield and jav will be tankier no doubt, but what about higher player count?
Does ebotd spear gap the shield and javelin?

Love to hear your thoughts before I jump the gun.

Ill have some more feedback after getting hands on eth Titans.

I tried fend+jab with an eth demon arch and liked it more than eth titans if you as me. Also, the choice for a shield is between stormshield and phoenix. I like stotmshield more but you get more damage with phoenix overall.

Phoenix additionally got -fire res which scales with fire dmg from Arch and those nice fire storm on hit (which finally doesnt tigger cooldown on all other skills).
So u say that I could skip eth titans testing?
Demon Arch is good, but amazon class specific javs/spears benefit form dex (additional dmg) and titans has additional frw.
Frw is very important for fend/jab zon.

I wish i have eth rare cruel/fools javs with amp on hit.

I don’t say you should skip them, you could give eth demon arch a try. They’re probably much easier to get than eth titans.