2 Day Switch Review

I wanted to give a quick review after playing D2R on both my PC with maxed graphics, and switch always on Legacy for 2 days.

So far, I like the difference between console and PC D2R.


  1. Playing my summoner necro is actually very streamlined on Switch due to the skillbar.
  2. Legacy (and non legacy) mode runs really smooth with consistent framerates.
  3. The movement system allows me to move around with ease. I really enjoy being able to move with freedom and precision. Even on walk speed I have amount of variance in how fast I move around.
  4. Diablo 2 looks great on my TV, and feels great on my Pro controller. Text is all legible and I can see a lot of detail. Playing on lower resolution lets you really zoom in on your stuff with a big enough TV.
  5. Cross progression is great. Progress is saved basically instantly, and I haven’t had any issues with it.
  6. No crashes yet, and only 1 server disconnect.
  7. Handheld mode works just as well as docked.
  8. Most actions are easy to use, besides certain inventory management features.
  9. Offline mode does not check battle.net servers before logging in.
  10. Pointing towards enemies and items highlights them. This makes attacking and picking stuff up very easy. Although, for stuff like corpse explosion it is hard to know which corpse u have selected, but it works great either way.


  1. The (lack of) lobby system is terrible. We need to be able to discuss what we are trading and name games. You have an opportunity to create a very intuitive system for lobbies that could actually improve D2 trading, and grouping, if you take the time Bliz.
  2. The inventory covers the entire screen when open. We need an option to see SOME of the screen with it open for advanced play.
  3. Using the D Pad to move around inventory is not fast enough to be useful. Along the same line, there could be better snap movements for the joystick as well.
  4. A toggle to launch new games in Legacy mode would really help keep me immersed. I also wonder why inventory doesn’t have a Legacy toggle.
  5. Offline characters are specific to the Switch - a way to transfer between PC would be great.
  6. No /players or /time or any /commands.
  7. No Chat and emotes provided are not helpful.
  8. No viewable patch notes from in game.
  9. No button for Chat Gem or Options toggle for it…
  10. Inventory sort button is too chaotic to be useful.
  11. Cannot hold an item while inventory is full and drag it into your cube, since you cannot open your inventory with the screen also present. (even tho inventory shows a sliver of the screen at the top so it should be possible).
  12. Mercenary Auras bugged.
  13. Cannot expand the belt while playing, but opening inventory to view it is quick (but blocks your screen…)
  14. No Zoom.
  15. Matchmaking, outside of its layout, is slow and seemed to drop you into games with low amount of players. It needs more customization and a complete redesign.
  16. Terrors End and Search for Baal cinematics did not play automatically.
  17. No keybinding

Overall, I am having an absolute blast. D2 on switch is the perfect companion to it on my PC. But, if it were the only version of D2R I owned, I would be a lot more vocal about the cons.

If the Switch version can be cleaned up a bit, it will be my go-to for legacy action…and for when I don’t want my boss to see me logged into battle.net on PC.

Been playin for a while longer now,

I have had a few persistent bugs:

  1. I crash in legacy mode when fighting the nephs in act 5
  2. Connection interrupted randomly
  3. selecting individual stuff like corpses for explosion, places to teleport, or what to cast a curse on can be tough - definitely some improvements needed there

Besides that, the biggest issue seems to be matchmaking and the lack of trading / decent communication.

Also, I would love a way to transfer offline characters between console and PC, but I know thats a pipe dream.

I am still very pleased overall, and enjoying the Switch for my legacy graphics in solo and my PC for playing with friends. The skillbar and much easier movement is hard to give up…