Season 5 date please?

Can we finally have season date start?

Can anyone from blizzard confirm its 28? 29 for EU. Come on…


20 characterssssssss

I bet we will get the date this week. It must be this week…


Is it just me or does it feel like basicly only D2 player base is really excited for new season?


It is you :stuck_out_tongue:
I dont know why, but it is you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I get the same feeling, so it has to be both of us. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good thing to have new seasons where you do the exact same thing you already did 4 times before, with no chance of participating in the actual leaderboard.

Sorry but at this point I fail to see the point in ladder seasons. Even a SSF would be pointless with the amount of neetbux collectors playing this. As we all know, there is no skill, playtime/buying items is everything. You have no chance of competing with someone who plays 15hrs+ a day while spending his FG from 2001 24 hrs into the ‘‘new’’ season. RWs can be hotfixed in. All new seasons do is keeping an underground community of a few tryhards alive while doing nothing for the normal player, who is now likely in his 40s with a life.

Depends on your goal. Most people give up on racing and just wait for new season to start from 0 with friends.


who else would be excited by a new season for a 23 year old game?

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If announce solo ladder this can be exciting

Plenty of people is, thats my point. While it seems like people do not care about D3 and they are not exactly excited for d4 seasons.


I love it every new ladder start to farm from zero to CTA/Enigma/Infinity. Take around 3-4 weeks. After that char fine tuning.
Then grind a char to 99. After that starting many different chars and level them to 93 at least.
In the End of a ladder, I’m always building a Holy Fire Paladin and farm relax Cows to find gg bases, runes and charms :slight_smile:

The first 4 weeks are most fun part in a ladder. After you get the most important items, the motivation goes down a bit, but the way to 99 is fun as well.

Now that I’ve got a stabile Internet provider. I’ll give HC a try later in ladder 5.
Will be a fun new challenge not to die. Probably Javazon or Paladin for HC.


things would definitely seem like that on d2r forums.

population across all diablo games is miniscule and aside from big content changes, the games most likely wont attract new players anytime soon. of the 3, d4 has a shot to pull new people in that didnt buy at launch with sales.

People want to request off work for the ladder start, Blizzard. Just give a date already. The more advanced notice, the happier your customers are.

Happy customers tend to be returning customers. Amirite or amirite?


After two decades of mostly nothing new for resets, the D2 player base is accustomed to getting nothing new for ladder resets. Anyone disgruntled by the lack of updates moved on a long time ago. What’s left is a population mostly content with a ladder reset.

D3 has had its ups and downs, some seasons were hotly anticipated, while others were “meh”. It’s a big whinefest in the D3 forums lately because the Altar of Rites is going away and they’re capping paragon points for Season 29, even though the altar of coming back for Season 30+. The amount of whine about the paragon point cap to me is a glimpse of how many were running bots to farm paragon points. (Not saying everyone did it, but I’ll bet a majority did.)

I hear D4 is on shaky ground, but I don’t really care… I don’t have the game. I’m sure they’ll eventually morph it into something that the majority of the player base is happy with though.


Reality is that D2 doesnt even need anything new as reset is always fun anyway in D2 :slight_smile:

But something new would not harm.


It’s amazing how low drop rates keep interest in a game, ain’t it? :stuck_out_tongue:



Yes but only if the other drop is cool as well. That is why D4 fails so hard.

Tuesday is a day, not a date :roll_eyes:.

New ladder new ladder lessgo!


Arnt there better characters and builds for this function?