I didnt delete my character.
He is gone anyway.
I know this because my shared stash is there and I can make a new character.
Blizzard support told me there is 0% way to help in any way, they keep track of nothing, they can see nothing, they are able to help with NOTHING.
Once I mentioned it was on console “blizzard support” directed me to nintendo support, who explained blizzard is stupid and they can only help with console issues and anything related to the game including characters disappearing forever, has to be handled on blizzard end.
Fun fact the d2 support ONLY handles pc problems.
So yeah, I’m done, wanted to get that off my chest, I dont even want a refund I’m just broken about it honestly.
This company has no systems in place, no accountability, no control or log of their own game.
Support is 100% helpless. I didnt delete my character and it’s gone anyway, they cant even tell me what happened.
What. A. Joke.
An explanation has already been provided.
You hit an error in server connectivity that resulted in your character being deleted. Or possibly hidden. It is possible for it to be returned, albeit probably rolled back, but that is a big maybe.
You’re not alone. The announcement confirmed support could do nothing. So, you asked anyway. You wasted your own time demanding what you couldn’t get. That part is your fault.
To be fair I didnt actually expect any support or help, just wanted to point out to others how fruitless asking for help from blizzard is.
They have no control of their game.
They have no control over any information in the game.
They have no logs of anything.
They have zero support in place for anything.
What a joke.
why has server connectivity has anything to do with offline character wipes?
wasn’t offline to be, you know, offline? why would an online issue affect an offline feature?
also, where’s the “hide character” function?
and why the developer is not to blame but the user when the game doesn’t work as intended?
and why would it be otherwise on pc? “because consoles aren’t meant for gaming”, right?
Makes total sense, especially for an offline player. Customers should know better than to “hit an error” and get totally rekt.
i know, right? it’s like losing your house because you didn’t answered a phone call.
makes since.
I just experienced this today, level 58 barbarian at the lake of fire on nightmare, saved and quit for the night(yesterday) and tried logging in this morning with no characters(had several) and my stash is completely wiped. I suspect it had something to do with linking my battle net account with my Xbox account mid session, but yeah have to start from scratch literally. Might as well play hardcore if your character can get rekt by server issues…
Hmm. This happened to me, but I do NOT have any shared stash. New characters shared stash is empty… Wtf does that mean?
I also linked my battle net account just before this happened, in hopes to fix the communication errors.
Im legit starting from scratch I almost quit outright its mad disheartening bro
“That part is your fault”.
Im pretty sure that’s not needed lmao. People on here are so arrogant.
Just happened to me the game crashed, i restarted the game and i got my character back to Act1 lvl13. All my gear gone etc. etc.
I mean how could this damn thing happened?!?! Seriously i paid nearly 50usd for this unfinished buggy crap?!?
well, people like to start over every season, so what’s wrong with a few restarts every week? right? guys?
Guys, I really don’t know if this is going to help, but my problems (shared stash and random black screen with loading symbol) are gone after I disabled internet on my Ps5.
So, if you play offline anyway just disconnect your Wi-Fi and you conserve the game as it is offline.
so much this, i don’t want $40, i want a fully working game called D2R
it’s the disappointment that hurts
I wonder if on consoles there is a way to back-up your offline characters and stash, for instance by copying to an external memory from time to time. They are saved locally on your console aren’t they?
Is this possible? Has anyone tried this?
I’m kind of skeptical because if this did work then you could potentially bring dead HC characters back to life…
This maybe a solution thing but hey!! what are we talkin bout here anyway? A game is unplayable offline cos internet connection?!??
I mean come on… wtf
yep, if the game sees you’re connected it will try to connect for unknown reasons (probably mining crypto on your box) even if you’re playing offline, best to disconnect from internet and never launch the game while connected
i mean it’s kinda strange the game caps out at 60 fps with 0 ray tracing on ps5 huh? we got doom eternal at 120 fps mode and d2r at 60
they are definitely doing something wrong with all the extra power
game is $60 on consoles, plus taxes. payed $72 for it. that’s at least 14 (working) indie games with similar playtime and better quality on a sale.
foregone is 4 bucks, salt and sanctuary is 5 bucks, mummy demastered is 3 bucks, warhammer chaosbane is 5 bucks, Divinity original sin is 7, 12 for the sequel. that’s not even half the price and you get comparable playtime and gameplay quality from every game. That’s why people get upset, that 4 guys at an indie studio do a better job at playtesting than those 3500 guys at blizzard.
it works. sadly, i got so many game data saved, it takes around 40-50 minutes to read the folder to copy it. but if you copy/move them to another hard drive they lose the “signature” and some games won’t load i again.
it’s worth the time, tho, since 100% of the time playstation “support” sollutions consist on just wiping your hard drives and downloading the games again just for the giigles.
in spanish we call them “sotorpe tecnico”