10 easy "must fixes" for 2.6

Since it takes 3 minutes to create a game right now I figured I would come on here.

  1. Decent job on the TZ’s. I like them. Most of them suck though so I would rejig how they are done. Don’t make them 24/7. Run more than one zone for 2 hours at a time, but only 3-4 times per day, randomly.

  2. The TZ’s and sunder charms combined with people loading 3, 4 or hell, 7 of their own accounts makes for a lot of solo play. Last season there were lots of groups on discord to join. We all had to come together to run baal games and worked as a team. Obviously you can’t make people play in groups, but you can encourage it. Maybe stop allowing people to load multiple accounts. Maybe eliminate the benefit of 1 player getting 8x experience in a game with 7 loaders but one active player. Not sure on this solution but there has to be something. Blizz claims they want people playing in groups, but brings in the TZ, sunder, and sells people multiple copies to play solo.

  3. Group ladder. Allow players to sign up for a group at the start of ladder. Maybe this will help with groupl play. Group ranked on a separate ladder. Rank can be based on overall experience of the group/average player level. The group can only play and trade with each other or solo. People can leave group at any time, but they can’t come back and would move to normal ladder. Group could be limited anywhere from 8-16 people. 8 for the biggest challenge, more to allow subs and multiple full games seeing as everyone can’t play at once. If this makes for too many Ladders, get rid of classic ladder and just keep non ladder classic. Or drop classic on Bnet altogether and leave it SP. No one plays it anyway. Maybe there could be unique prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place on group ladder. Give people a reason to join a group and push.

  4. FIX THE DAMN CHAT! How many times do we have to ask for this?!

  5. Eliminate or modify the sunder charms. Sorry guys, these are stupid. At least the way they are. I average 1 per 5-7 TZ runs and thats after the bug was fixed. Make them as rare as Zod, but with no res penalty. It’s so easy to cover the res penalty anyway it’s pointless. It just costs a bit of life or damage on an end game char. My vote is drop these altogether. Don’t get me wrong, I’m playing cold sorc and I melt everything. It’s fun but its stupid.

  6. Stash organization tools would be nice. A button to auto move things, fill empty spaces to minimize clicks would be cool. Organize like runes or gems in rows would be great.

  7. Fix the stupid Anni system. Your idea is nice to allow more people access, but the cartels still run it and do it when they want. People can’t always get a character in a game when needed. I’m not whining cause I didn’t get one, Ive had plenty of annis, but current system is stupid. These should be farmable by a single person, or a team and shouldn’t require organizing 120 people.

  8. Balance the classes PROPERLY. Rough numbers, the current HCL is about 50% sorc, 20% Pally, 10% Barb, 20% the rest. Blizz probably has actual numbers, but if they think this is balanced, I want what they are smoking. Give another class teleport, druid maybe, nerf hammers already, make a bowzon worth playing, FIX barb so physical damage can clear faster, nerf enigma so that it’s still desireable but makes people think twice about using it vs other end game gear.

  9. Proper in game trading market. Ive said it before. Use a currency, make it easy to trade in game and offline. Use a market maker or something similar so that trades can happen fast and easy. At least try to compete with JSP.

  10. Last but not least, fix the GOD DAMNED CHAT!!!


I will respond with my opinion,

  1. I would also redo the terror zones but I would simply add more mobs.

  2. I’m not sure there is anything that can be done about people having multiple accounts, they paid for them. Blizz allows it because they make money every time someone wants a new account for storage space/camping games, I don’t see that policy changing anytime soon.

  3. Hey I’m all for different game modes, and a group ladder sounds interesting if done properly. I feel the idea needs expanded though. I would think you’d see some of the same problems happening with a group ladder as a normal one perhaps I’m wrong.

  4. Agreed.

  5. Honestly at first I thought sunder charms would be more powerful than they are, but I agree they are just stupid. All they really do is break the immune down to 95% res, I mean cold sorc gets a huge benifit out of it ya but that’s only because of their mastery. The rest of the classes don’t see a huge improvement other than being able to kill immunes at a semi regular pace. Reapers Toll is still > than a sunder charm imo.

  6. Personally I probably wouldn’t use any of those things as I’m just partial to doing things manually, not saying it’s a bad idea I just order my stash differently than any auto organizer can understand.

  7. I agree. Personally I feel it should be a % chance on him spawning after each soj that’s sold, or each soj that’s found.

  8. Easier said than done, and for this game honestly I don;t think the classes should be able to all do everything. The reason the game has replayability in LoD is because you make different characters to do different things. With d2r going the way it is soon you can do everything with 1 toon if you can’t already, and no more making new toons no more trading bam the ladder just dies, because there is no more demand. In LoD the ladder trading stays hot for longer because people make different toons they need lots of gear, and it takes them more playtime to achieve those toons. This also leads to more people playing/trading in normal and nightmare vs what you see with d2r.

  9. I agree the in game trading needs a lot of work, perhaps they don’t want us competing with rmt, which is why it’s so bad.

  10. lol agreed

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I agree to most of your proposed things to fix. Number 5 especially. Sunder charms have to go.

Sunder charms are fine, mostly useless except for cold. The real fix for 2.6 is loading up Dark Souls 2, the servers are back baby wooOO! Join us in a real PvP game!


A group ladder would fix RMT and jsp usage. If people signed up for it at least. It will solve multi boxing too. If the group is limited to 8 players, no one is going to use one of those slots for a loader. It will hurt their experience overall. If you want to compete in an 8 player group, you will have all people, all the time.

It’s just an idea to go with for now. They need to start brainstorming. The TZ’s and sunder charms have killed the group play almost completely.

Sunder should not be as rare as Zod lol. Cool new charm that nobody can find himself.
U personally dislike that another charm now reduces the inventory size.

this gonna take a while, i assume will be no developer manpower or tiny manpower for d2r afer d4 out.

You don’t read so good do you?

I specifically said that the sunders are too common, too strong, and kill group play. The spot they take in the inventory simply reduces a little bit of damage or life, if that. Cold sorc using SS doesn’t see any difference really.

Lots of people find Zod or can trade for it. If you want to be able to steamroll the whole game BY YOURSELF, you should have to pay a price for it. Finding 2 of these things a day is too cheap.

I still dont think they should even be here but if they are, make them rare.

Bad idea. You put everyone at an even worse disadvantage than it is now. Now you have at least always a zone to farm if you log in. With your idea, someone who can’t be online for more than 4-8 hours will quite often miss out on any TZ.
It’s better to rework TZ to be extra zones via Portal, so you can buff density/guestmonster/monsterstats without messing up the normal zones.

Doesn’t sound like you would get any benefit over 8 solo players grouping.

Makes it worse.

And now I really start to dislike you instead of your ideas. Why punish people that prefer classic? Maybe blizz should just get rid of you.

I would have said a few things about the agreeable things you posted. But with your hate on the classic mode, I’m out.


How about reverting the fhr and fbr changes to 2.3.


Are you going to go cry?

No I’m not stuck in the brain of a 12 year old like you. You and your attitude are just disgusting.

The easiest game fix to apply was the Lv Req bug on craft items, which is actually a bug from the mess of the magic prefix and sulfix tables. I made the fix and with the help of my friend @Cramus we delivered it to be forwarded to the dev team, I’m not asking for anything in return, just that they apply the fix so that crafted amulets stop coming out with rlvl 95 when drawn with Lamprey.

You didn’t like the fact that I suggested if there was too many ladders to maintain an idea could be to nix the classic ladder, and that hurt your feelings so you REFUSE to make a comment on anything else that you claim were good ideas. But you just can’t because I said something you didn’t like.

Yes… I guess I have the 12 year old brain…

You showed that your mindset is stuck on “me me me and f*** the rest” with your proposal and that’s why any discussion with you is useless anyway. Your follow up behaviour shows that you never grew up and are still stuck in your early teen years.

Holy crap. I can hardly stop laughing. It’s more of a sad laugh though… Is anyone else seeing this? Is this what people are like around here?

You said you were out, so do it. Stop spamming my thread or I will start reporting it.

I’m not spamming your topic. I’m answering your pathetic posts. Stop talking trash and you won’t get a nasty response.

No. Most of the people who post are reasonable. A few (and you can check their post history) have a habit of toxic posts that resort to personal atracks against multiple, distinct forum members.

HC (wich is the real game BTW) has been dead and deader because of the unacceptable 40 secs hanging.

Theres probably no tech or logical reason as to why this has been set, yet be sure that lack of a fix thus far attests to how clueless D2R staff is.

BTW wanting this game to be balanced is also insane. Hundreds of online games out there have better PvP, QoL, endgame, metas or updates or etc, you name it. The fun here is at item hunting or cow herding & other small things the game does right (like Necros with their army, I never got the fun in it but hey to each their own).

Game needs to give the ignored classes a function/area where they can shine, without hurting the classes that already shine. Some previous (and ridiculous) “balance” attempts like making Countess or Mephisto runs take longer just kill this game more and more.

Being unable to set 8 players, use an item filter or dual login in the same account is also terrible, but nothing beats the 40 secs hanging. Goes to show how ActBlizz is bent on surpassing EA as the lamest gaming company.