디아블로2 클래식 아시아서버현상황

디아블로2클래식 아시아서버에서 20년정도 게임을한유저입니다.
방입장과 게임을 악의적으로 방해하는 유저들 혹은 프로그램을이용한 방폭메크로시스템으로
방을고의적으로 폭파, 서버에혼란을 가져온상황입니다.
아시아서버에는 아직 수만명에 유저가존재합니다.
클래식과 레져렉션을 번갈아가며즐기는 유저가 다수입니다
이번 클래식아시아1 방폭사태를 해결하지못한다면 레져렉션,이모탈,곧 새롭게출시되는 디아블로4게임에서도 상당수 유저들이 등을 돌릴것입니다.
디아블로2클래식이있기에 지금에 블리자드와 디아블로시리즈가 존재한다는것을 잊지마십시오 . 오랜세월이지난 디아블로2클래식 아시아서버에는 아직도 수많은 유저들이 존재하고있습니다. 봇프로그램을 더불어 이번 아시아방폭사태를 말해주고있는 메크로시스템을 블리자드는
차단을해주던지 ip를 늘려주든지 한국시각 6월16일 새벽을 기점으로 먼가대책이필요할것으로 보입니다.

Seriously? WTH is this? This is the issue combining realms. This guy might need help or something and we can’t even read it. Well done blizz, well done. Another fabulous choice you’ve made. Geeez.

From Google Translate:

Diablo 2 Classic Asia Server Status

I am a user who has played the game on Diablo 2 Classic Asia Server for about 20 years.
Explosion-proof macro system using programs or users who maliciously interfere with room entry and game
The room was intentionally blown up, causing confusion on the server.
There are still tens of thousands of users on the Asian server.
There are many users who alternately enjoy classic and recreation.
If this Classic Asia 1 explosion-proof incident cannot be resolved, many users will turn their backs on Resurrection, Immortal, and the upcoming Diablo 4 game.
Don’t forget that Blizzard and the Diablo series exist now because Diablo 2 Classic exists. Diablo 2 Classic Asia Server, which has been around for a long time, still has many users. In addition to the bot program, Blizzard has developed a macro system that tells the story of this Asian explosion.
Whether you block or increase the IP, it seems that you need to take measures from the dawn of June 16th, Korean time.

There are really no forums for this type of issues… There’s a Corean-language Technical Support forum for Classic Games ( 기술 지원 - Blizzard Forums ) but this isn’t an area where Blizzard Customer Support can intervene.

So, @MSGUARD’s only option is to post on a foreign language forum in the hope that “someone” at Blizzard actually reads it and does something with it. There are no Corean, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Polish “General Discussion” or “Bug Report” forums for Classic Diablo II… or, actually, there is one… and it’s here !

Look at the forums for D2R and DI… all in English. There aren’t even foreign language Tech Support forums for these games… all that exist is the ticket system… with an initial response time of about 3 days or more (especially during the week-ends).

Blizzard has sunk very low… very, very low.

ty for the effort … ty 4 the effort