Wil StarCraft be 25 years old in 2023. Any celebrations?

Will we have any StarCraft announcements this year?
I say this because the StarCraft franchise is turning 25 this year.
It would be cool if we could access StarCraft 1 and 2 accounts via Steam with our achievement lists, and invite friends to lobby through the client just like we now have Overwatch integration.
I believe more people could know the game.

In fact, the fact that it can be downloaded via Steam would allow us to play via Steam Deck and be able to play StarCraft 1 and 2 with our devices.

Very unlikely. The 25th anniversary celebration was basically limited to a single post on Twitter from Blizzard’s side of things.

I have a strong hunch…

But its a rumour though.

Microsoft journalist Jez Corden said “Yep” a couple times in response to Twitter questions about SC3 in a “Drunk AMA”. Once he sobered up he quickly clarified that this wasn’t accurate. The rumors have just been clickbait used on smaller game news sites.

They will announce a new character for Overwatch 2 to celebrate 25 years of Starcraft