What time should I be getting there on Friday?

Heya! First time to Blizzcon, really psyched! Just wondering if there’s a reason to get to the con early on Friday. I’m guessing most things open up after the opening ceremony, but I also see that registration starts at 8am. Is it reasonable to show up at 10am, or is this the kind of thing where I want to be there at 8?

its fine, it depends on what you want to do too. If you are picking up your stuff open ceremony starts at 11, so then at 10am you are going to go get your ticket, goody bag. It could be a long line it might not be that bad. However, if you want the blizzcon store… i would say 9am would be better, get your stuff, if you have a lot you might want to go back to hotel drop it off so you are not carrying it everywhere.

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Can anything be done on the Thursday in advance to save time on Friday?

Ticket and merch pickup starts on Thursday, I want to say as early as 8am. (Judging from the timetable of the blink shopping.)

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Great answers, thanks!

Will you be driving, walking or taking some other form of transit?
If driving, you want to get there early to assure parking, although considering there are still tickets available you might have an easier time than previous years.
In theory you can use your card, but I would have cash on hand - at least $40 for the first day as I don’t know what the current parking rates are.
Once you’re parked I’d probably not move the car. Walking… well, it’s all up to you then. and google maps can help with the bus schedules if you tell it when you want to arrive by.

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Follow-up question! I have a ticket for myself and once for my friend who is getting in Friday morning. Can I handle registration for both tickets myself on Thursday or does he need to be present?

If the tickets are tied to your account, they’ll be under your name but you can pick them both up.

If it’s under your friend’s AXS account, they’ll need to pick them up, but ticket pickup the day of the convention is usually open a few hours earlier.

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That’s stellar! Thanks :grin: