SC2 tournament?

Will there be a SC2 tournament like at past Blizzcon’s? I can’t even find a mention of StarCraft anywhere.

I really doubt it. StarCraft II, StarCraft Remastered, and Heroes of the Storm are being managed almost entirely outside of Blizzard. It’s been months since any licensed StarCraft merchandise was even added to Blizzard’s online store and that includes the franchise being absent from their San Diego Comic Con items. I’ll be really surprised if they even include a couple StarCraft portraits in the digital goodies.

Once stormgate is here I have no reason to keep installed on my PC. I’ve been a huge starcraft fan since it was released. Same with Warcraft 3. But I have given up all hope in Blizzard and now I’m just waiting for a few games in progress to finally replace SC2/War3