My Q&A question Blizzcon 2023

As a player that deeply loves the pet battles system, I feel abandoned by the lack of attention Blizzard has given to that aspect of the game. Many love the battle pets system.
May we see updates to the system with future patches?
(Clarification - not just collecting but specifically the battling/leveling system)
Such as; barrier of entry due to the volume of pets needed to level, inconsistent pvp que times ((sometimes hours)) with no know reason to the community, more meaningful rewards for participation in PVP (it feels disrespectful receiving pocket lint that sells for 5 copper as my reward for the weekly quest of winning 10 pvp pet battles), slow/outdated animations making the system feeling sluggish/clunky/unresponsive, ui upgrades - as it still uses the mists of pandaria button templates , as examples.