Blizzcon 2023 Q&A panel

Does anyone know where to send our Q&A questions during the Dev panel during Blizzcon 2023?

I got 2 questions

In Diablo 1 and some bosses in Diablo 2, the boss isn’t alone and is surrounded by minions and potentially elite minions. I’ve noticed a few Bosses that have this in Diablo 4. Can we expect more of this even on World Bosses? Bosses shouldn’t drop HP potions when Elite can.

Why hasn’t the new season also introduced PvP events/mechanics? Also, when is crafting and trading a thing in Diablo 4 (giving white and blue items some value like in D2/PoE)? Also, LF World boss rework?

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I’m not sure where you post them either but have some WoW questions I’ll post just in case…

  • Could we level a character through a whole expansion and then face the end boss for completion please? (As suggested by Taliesin and Evitel)
  • Are you going to extend the NPC dungeons to other expansions? Could it be extended to raids too so that casual players that don’t like queuing don’t need to go to YouTube to see the story?
  • Could the story no longer be time-gated or require renown please? More story actually in the game.

I’m not sure if there’s a proper thread for this, but I thought I’d join in with you here in case anyone sees it :smiley:

Bummer that there’s no Q&A thread.

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I totally agree with you. It’s absolutely annoying as hell. It got me panicking. Blizzard should be a lot more clearer than this.

Hiya, will you develop the story of the dracthyr more please? Sarkareth and Viridia really tugged at my heartstrings. How do the evoker’s healing abilities to do with time and the Emerald Dream LORE wise. Please explore their personalities more. I hope they’ll take a more active role storywise.

I am disappointed that you didn’t develop them more.

Box and Jacquilope has made a video saying that Sarkareth should of been developed more and I agree with them.

Timegating is really ought to be swapped out for a more fleshed out story.

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I have a lore specific question.

Does the Mag’har orcs lore inspired by the Hungarian folklore?
There are a lot of similarities.

  • 7 tribes / 7 clans of the Iron horde
  • warchief - farseer relation / Gyula - Kende relation
  • One of the members visited by a mystical bird
  • Blood oath
  • Even the Mag’har name is very close to the word Magyar.


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Will you develop the story behind a monk’s healing abilities please? Like the dracthyr, they have a heck of a lot of potential, especially with elves, trolls and draenei. Please do it. How is the power accessed? What are it’s pros and cons? I think the lore you’ve already developed is really ought to be expanded on.

If you aren’t already considering doing a TV series on Warcraft, please please do so. It would be marvellous, especially if it’s hyperrealistic. I love the hyperrealistic cinematics and I absolutely wish for more of such. People could be a lot more interested in it, than reading a book.

Warcraft Wiki has a place to post questions under " Forum:BlizzCon 2023 Q&A"

DMF there is a mailbox go submit paper entry for questions.

I went to the page that was suggested by Vicki, they aren’t taking anymore questions. I just want to know if these new talent systems in Retail are like the barrowed power system or is this something we get to keep?