[BlizzCon 2023] Feedback Megathread

This is my big complaint this year. Blizzcon was always the ‘chill’ con for me, you could reliably find a place to sit and watch things without having to fight a wall of people or wait in line for hours. It feels like they forgot all the guests here don’t want to stand in a crush of people all day

(And given how aggressive other cons usually are about keeping aisles clean I wouldn’t be surprised if Saturday is just straight up cancelled when the local fire marshal see some pics on Facebook of everyone just standing/sitting on the floor watching the opening ceremony)


Then think about the in-home viewing experience. Between the panels, all we’re getting is pretty much commercial break. Ok, I just mute the TV, no problem. But back in the days I’d be seeing the “up next” board with epic music playing in background, and an ad popping up only occasionally. And now I’m getting ad after ad, and in the rare moments when the “what’s next” board pops up, the background music is the same as what was playing on loop during the “stream starting soon” board - whatever it’s called, “baby punk”? Anyway, not an epic video game music, but something that screams out “press the mute button”.


I see, that sounds like a poor viewing experience.

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anyway, was that what you were seeing in the arena between panels when you had to sit there all the time to keep your seat?

By the end of this con id have to say “What arena?”

Marketing materials for the portal pass said that the lounge would have gameplay experiences. Plural. The only experience is Overwatch.


Absolutely nothing has made the portal pass work the purchase.


We’re just going to stay at the hotel and watch it in comfort instead of having to look through someone standing in front of us. Portal pass was a pretty meh experience thus far and like first and only Blizzcon. Can’t even watch the vods from yesterday of the panel I missed (don’t get me started on the arena lottery).

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Portal pass sucked this year. Wasn’t much better in 2019, but they had entire halls worth of seating just for panel viewing. That worked out great for people who want to go to panels, go to community night, etc.

Not this year. Gave up on blizzcon and left early today. Just done.

Can anyone tell me if you feel the portal pass has been worth it. Yesterday we were at least able to kinda skip the line of you knew you could. Today, on the other hand, they let everyone in early so the only benefit seems to be a lounge. How is access to a lounge remotely worth an extra $500. Unless theres something else im missing out on, seems to not be worth it.


+1ing this post. Feeling completely scammed out of $1000 that paid extra for 2 portal passes for my fiancé and I.


The portal pass has no value. I was just pulled out of the hearthstone line and brought up to the front Wish that was for every line

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Kudos for you. Most people are not having that experience.

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?what is going on with DMF?

Is there going to be a way for ticket holders to get this stuff otherwise? I’d rather try demos than spend all day in lines to get a few DMF capsules

Capsules is always crazy. Its expasperated cause not enough space was alloted for it.

I’ve been to Blizzcon twice and I’m skipping out again with DMF because of how chaotic it is.

The line to enter the DMF area is so long that it spans from the DMF gate all the way to the artist nook tables.

Can you get in game goodies from DMF?

From capsule, but its gambling. You’re likely to get patches. Might get an in game code.

Well I don’t think I’ll get in. Too late. Maybe next year. :rofl: