They did, mostly. Look in the Facebook groups about previous years, though. There were major complaints then, too.
Then COVID happened.
We are nearly certain that this happened. Honestly, Blizzard probably had no choice but to let them go. You can’t pay staff for 3 years and not have anything for them to work on. Blizzard knew, as any idiot would, that when they did it, they were letting go of 14 years of accumulated institutional knowledge of how to put on Blizzcon.
I know that they contracted an outside party to help with the logistics. I got help from one of them, and they were very helpful. You need people who know how to coordinate with the convention center, with partners, with security, with the police, all of that stuff, and Blizzard hired it. It was a reasonable decision.
My conclusion is that this other company didn’t know how to put on a Blizzcon. They didn’t know how high the demand would be for DMF. They did not know what Portal Pass expects. They did not know how geeks would react. That’s my best guess.
I will tell you from talking to Blizzard employees, including their manager of online CS who is hopefully reading this, that they’re gathering all the feedback, from everywhere they can, and working to improve. We saw improvements to ADA and entry lines and Portal Pass treatment on Saturday as a result of feedback. So they are listening and improving.
They plan to do it again; that’s why they asked for feedback and are acting on it. And it will be better, I am sure. We will not have the same problems next year. We’ll have different problems, because there are problems every year. (Look at the Facebook groups to see that!)
Hope to see you next year!