WOW51900319 You have been disconnected from the server

I here you all there. I reinstalled the full game and im still having issues getting in

I have the extact same problem, cannot. connect since yesterday

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Well boys, i will talk in portuguese how to fix it, so, just translate it.

Esse problema aconteceu comigo quando eu estive removendo a posta wtf e a cache, tentei reparar e não funcionou, o que salvou foi que fiz um backup dos arquivos e ao colar novamente na minha pasta ele voltou a funcionar sem o erro. Creio que o problema esteja ali

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Voltei aqui pra avisar, o arquivo que PRA MIM deu problema, foi encontrado dentro de //“World of Warcraft_retail_\Cache\ADB\ptBR” com o nome de DBCache.bin
Ao colar apenas esse arquivo (que tinha feito backup antes de apagar as pastas wtf cache e addons) o meu wow voltou a funcionar

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This has worked for me so far. Thank you

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Ty!!! Working perfectly thus far.

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Agree, I NEVER use Twitter.

did this and still cant connect to servers just get booted off 10 hrs now waiting on blizz to get back to me. no custmer support number in this day an age is total bs