I’m trying to log into WoW directly from the game client (as I am logged in to a different Battle.net account as well). It was all working fine until the recent update.
Now I get “You have been disconnected” after entering the Authenticator code.
If I delete the World of Warcraft registry entries, it will work perfectly for a single login attempt, after which subsequent logins will return the previous error.
Additionally, if I log in to a different account (with a different authenticator) it will work for a single attempt, then revert back to the same problem.
So there seems to be a bug with the way the direct client logins are persisting the authenticator session which is causing the game client connection to crash upon subsequent logins.
I have the same issue, this extends not just to using MFA in the game but also using MFA to sign in through a web browser I’ve tried several and after entering password within 10 seconds of the MFA prompt to check the app it kicks out to the login page, this also breaks SSO into other apps like hsreplay. The only way I can login to battle.net is through an incognito tab, but it is not an extension even with multiple browsers only incognito or private tab works and in game always get same error as OP
i have had the some issue was working just fine but i tryed to log in after the last pach and i can’t log in the in game log in i have to go to the battle net log in longer to long in and i can’t figer out why i get the you have been dicconnected after i log in and enter the authenticator code and now it don’t work not sure why anyone know how to fix it or is it a bug that blizz has to fix ?
I used to be able to launch WowClassic.exe or simply leave it up and type in my password to login. It was faster and easier than having to deal with the launcher. Now I can only login by launching WowClassic from the Blizzard Launcher. If I get disconnected (due to idle time or random connection issues), I have to quit out of the client and relaunch it from the Blizzard Launcher.
If I enter my password on the WowClassic login screen, I get a prompt to enter my authenticator code from my phone. I enter the 8-digit code, but then am immediately answered with “You have been disconnected. (WOW51900314)”
I have verified that my account name is correct - it is my e-mail address and still has the account drop-down for my sub-account that has my active subscription. I even went and changed my password yesterday to see if I had updated it and forgotten, but I am still receiving the error now logging in with the correct and verified password.
With this issue, I have to close the WowClassic client if I get disconnected, then launch it again from the launcher. I used to be able to launch it or leave it up and simply type in my password to login.
Same issue here. I prefer to launch directly from the client, only loading the launcher on patch days to ensure my game is up to date. I am receiving the same message “you have been disconnected” after entering my authenticator code. I disconnected, reset, and reconnected my authenticator. The authenticator works when logging into the blizzard website, but not when entered in the game client.
Deleting the following registry key allows the login to work for one attempt:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\World of Warcraft\Client
Likewise, using a different account login + authenticator and then trying the original allows it to work for one attempt. So it appears to be something to do with the storing of the cached authenticator.
I’m also having this issue, except launching from battle.net launcher doesn’t work for me either. I can’t get in unless I completely disable the authenticator.
exactly same problem not long ago, if i execute game throught wowclassic.exe from folder (because it more fast than launcher) got disconnected from server after authenticator code input. if i disable authenticator service from accout management - it’s ok but -4 slots in bag
I have exactly the same issue. Authenticator works from bliz app and on site login but if i try to login from wow.exe when it prompts to enter the 8 digit i get the same error.
I have the exact same issue.
I used to start WoW TBC - Classic from the “wow.exe” (for various reasons), but since the last patch (Black Temple & Hyjal), it immediately asks me for a code (Authenticator). However the Authenticator app (Android v2.6.0.15) does not receive a request. If I go ahead and enter the code manually, it results immediately in “You have been disconnected. (WOW51900314)” and I am unable to login (I can’t get passed this point).
The only way around this at the moment for me is to use the battle.net launcher.
Could we get at least a response, that you are award of it please?
It’s soon to be 2 weeks and this is not a minor issue.
This forum is for troubleshooting technical issues with the Blizzard Desktop Application itself.
For specific games or products it is best to post in those designated forums.
That said the issue you are experiencing is something we are aware of and are looking into.
Please note that while it is possible to launch some games directly without the Battle.net application they are meant to be launched through the Blizzard Desktop Application. Launching directly from the executable is not directly supported (though again not prohibited, it just means we don’t provide direct support for doing so)
The “workaround” for this specific error is to use the Blizzard Desktop Application to launch the game.
While the issue with this error on direct executable launch is being looked into, there is no ETA on a potential solution.
hello Kershew ) authenticator - is blizzard option, wowclassic.exe - is blizzard creation, yes desktop application battle.net allow to skip this error, but battle.net application is starting around 2.5 MINUTES ! on my PC (SSD\4.5Ghz-i7), you wanna know how much time it takes to start throught wowclassic.exe ? - around 5 seconds). I just realized no one will fix this bug. No one care.
Finally solve this problem ! first you need update battle.net\game (just start app and wait when it will be finished) fully close battle.net and start again (maybe it no needed idk just try)) when app start - press Play - wowclassic will run, and automatically login to your account but do not enter world, press back to login page and enter you login\pass, system will request your authenticator code (check your phone app) enter your code and it will be ok then enter world, quit game - close battle.net and try only wowclassic.exe - login again - enter authen. code as usually, all ok - no disconnect.