WoW Profile API specialization

In the community API the talents end point gave us the tier of the talent, is there any chance you could add this back in the Profile API?

You can get talent tiers from the new game data endpoint:

Here is a fragment of the response:

 "role": {
    "type": "DAMAGE",
    "name": "Damage"
  "talent_tiers": [
      "level": 15,
      "talents": [
          "talent": {
            "key": {
              "href": ""
            "name": "Earthen Rage",
            "id": 22356
          "spell_tooltip": {
            "description": "Your damaging spells incite the earth around you to come to your aid for 6 sec, repeatedly dealing 833 Nature damage to your most recently attacked target.",
            "cast_time": "Passive"
          "talent": {
            "key": {

You have to match the IDs returned from the profile API to the talent structure returned by the playable specialization API.

For a sample on how to create the relationship between the endpoints you can run this SQL on

SELECT>'en_US' as class,>'en_US' as spec,
       tt.level as tier,>'en_US' as talent_name,
       t.description->'en_US' as talent_description
  FROM playable_specializations ps
  JOIN playable_classes pc
    ON = ps.playable_class_id
  JOIN talent_tiers tt
    ON tt.playable_specialization_id =
  JOIN talents t
    ON = tt.talent_id
 WHERE = 7

Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for and couldn’t find this endpoint in the documentation.

Although I still think that having it directly in the specialization endpoint of profiles would make it much easier.

Please make the returned talents for a specialization be sorted in the correct order (ascending by row). Right now they’re just scrambled, which forces clients to do the sort and to have to know all the row information about every talent just to put them into the correct order.

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This is another solution, right now I have to download the specialization information AND sort them. All of this could be avoided by only having them in order.

To be clear: are y’all referring to the talents returning from the Character Specializations endpoint (/character/{realm}/{character}/specializations) as being out of order, or have you found this to be true of other endpoints as well?

Just the talents from that endpoint.

Sounds good! :+1:

We’re tracking a bug internally for this. Thanks for the report!