WoW profile API - 403 response from app, 200 in browser

I’m working on developing a personal “app” that just summarizes my own WoW profile data (characters, levels, reps, etc).

When I use the workflow here in my Python app, I get a response code 403. Code below:

oauth_url = ""
data = {'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}
oauth_response =, data=data, auth=(client_ID, client_secret))
token = oauth_response.json()['access_token']

headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + token}
profile_response = requests.get(profile_url, headers=headers)

The response from the last get request is 403, despite getting a 200 from the OAuth post request.

If I generate the “request” in the browser using the profile API documentation page, I get a pre-formatted url that has an access token already included, in the format<access_token>

If I use this access token in my app, I can get a 200 response. But I don’t want to have to go to that webpage and generate a new one every time to run my script. What am I missing here? Apologies if this is obvious, I’m pretty new to OAuth in general.

edit: I should note that this is being prototyped in an IPython notebook run via Jupyter on my localhost.

The API docs page uses the OAuth2 authorization_code flow, while you are using the client_credentials flow.

Only the authorization_code flow can get data about a user’s profile.