Wow indicates no servers available since 10 this morning

We have been trying to connect since this morning and nothing, the server still says its unavailable. Is it normal to last this long? other players have this problem?
We are two computers trying to connect…


You’re posting on the wrong forums…

This forum is for technical support on Blizzard’s Legacy Games — old games such as:

  • Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction;
  • The games in the Blizzard Arcade Collection such as The Lost Vikings and Rock N Roll Racing;
  • Battle.Net editions of Diablo I, Warcraft: Orcs and Humans & Warcraft: II.

Ask on the WoW forums ?

The banner at the top of the WoW Launcher window notifies you that the game is currently undergoing Maint. That started at 7am Pacific time and is currently estimated to end around 12pm Pacific time. Might be later if they run into issues.

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Its common for maintenance to be extended over and over. I miss the days when they released content that wasn’t bugged so bad they cant fix it without breaking something else.