WoW Download error: BLZBNTAGT00000BB8

I don’t even know how to begin this ticket request. I suck at troubleshooting these kinds of things. My computer knowledge stops almost as soon as it begins, so please bear with me.

World of Warcraft was taking up too much space on my hard drive, so I bought an external SSD hard drive (that works perfectly for all my other games). I uninstalled WoW and from my computer, and re-downloaded it setting the file path to my external hard drive. will open but won’t let me download WoW. It gives me error BLZBNTAGT00000BB8. Using the scan and repair function does not work. It gives me error BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 as well. The only step that actually occurs when I press install is a folder named World of Warcraft gets generated in my E: drive. Nothing beyond that. When I get to this point, the install button turns into an Update button, that also doesn’t work.

This hard drive works for New World, League of Legends, and Runescape; so I don’t understand why it wouldn’t work for WoW.

While I’m here I’ll also bring up that when is running whether it be normally or as an administrator (I’ve tried both), the icon doesn’t appear on my start-bar. Just a blank page looking icon.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Is there enough space on the drive remaining for WoW? The WoW client, depending on the game version, can take up 100GB.

There is 834GB left on the external drive.

Hey there Patrick,

Thanks for detailing what’s going on with World of Warcraft, the BLZBNTAGT00000BB8 error, and trying to install it to that new external SSD drive. The first thing that comes to mind is the drive format for the external drive. We only support NTFS (Windows or Mac) or APFS drives (Mac) for installation. Examples of incompatible formats include ExFAT and FAT32. Both of those can be common with external drives. In cases like these, all we can suggest is to reformat the drive to a supported file system or install to a different drive.

Microsoft Storage space is also unsupported. Despite being NTFS, it is a Cloud based RAID system which the application can struggle installing to correctly.

The following can help to check this:

  1. Create a DxDiag report
  2. Open the DxDiag report in Notepad or Text Editor.
  3. Locate the Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives section.
  4. The section lists drives in the computer. Check if the Model of the drive the game is installed on is the Microsoft Storage Space Device.

An example is:

Drive: C:
Free Space: 66.5 GB
Total Space: 114.1 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: Samsung SSD 650 120GB
Drive: E:
Free Space: 578.7 GB
Total Space: 942.0 GB
File System: NTFS
Model: Microsoft Storage Space Device

If you do see the drive is listed as a Microsoft Storage Space Device, you’ll want to contact Microsoft for assistance on how to convert it to a standard hard disk drive. Information here from Microsoft may also be useful.

Hopefully this helps out. Cheers!

Hey, thank you for the reply.
I didn’t understand most of it, but I gathered that I needed to check the formatting on the External Hard Drive and it turned out to be ExFAT instead of NTFS (was able to see it by clicking manage and checking format on the drive itself // thank god you named ExFAT specifically or I’d have never found it) and it had a built in option to just switch it so I did. The game seems to be downloading now, its just a shame I had to delete every single other thing on the hard drive to do it. Guess I’m going to spend the night re-downloading stuff.

Thanks again!

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