The WoW Community API patch this week contains fixes that we’re making in order to allow the API to stay live until the new migration deadline. Without further ado:
WoW Community API Patch Notes - 2019/12/17
Auction House
Removed the owner field from the linked auctions.json files.
Character Profile
Added the id field, indicating the character’s ID.
This field has the same value as the id field returned from the /profile/wow/character/{realm}/{name}/status endpoint.
Internally, this endpoint now adheres to new Data Protection guidelines. This means that some older, inactive characters which were previously valid may no longer exist.
All changes will go live on 2019/12/17 during normal business hours. We do not have a specific hour of the day as of yet. Characters will not need to log out of the game for changes to take effect.
This change was made due to implications of the new data protection policy taking place in early January. You can see a previous discussion over this here.