Just wanted to throw this brief idea out there. If the recent classic era server changes are a big deal, I propose a temporary solution. Why not restore classic servers to how they were and release another server as a ptr for small quality of life changes that are geared towards perfecting classic with these small changes? Druids having polearms, great… the new guild UI… no… but those are the types of discussions that could be had between company and customer if we’re not afraid to face the music. How is that not the best idea working with the players that want to replay the same content over and over. Its not like its a brand new release and dont want to give away spoilers. Balance the game, get feedback, completely transform classic into its most perfect iteration of itself until its generally accepted by everyone. Anyways I already understand the friction between developers and players but I always felt that that was just a poor excuse, thats my 2 cents. What do you think?
I think you should ask yourself, what does this have to do with feedback on the support site? Because thats the name of this forum that you had to of seen because you clicked it to get here.
This particular forum is for feedback about the Support section of the website for all Blizzard games. It contains the Knowledge base, announcements, and the ticket system.
If you wish to make suggestions about WoW, you will want to post on the WoW forums or use the in-game suggestion feature. You won’t get a personal reply by Blizzard, but that is where they collect WoW feedback.