Why temoporary ban?

Apparently I have received a temporary restriction. Don’t know why or how I got it. Just playing D2. I play from home and I have a copy on a computer at my business (very small, 6 employees) which I play sometimes in evening when working late. Never had any issues prior to this.

If its a business ISP flag how do I avoid? What do you mean “business ISP?”

You can’t avoid it, at all.

I’m in the same boat, will be working with a vendor this weekend (babysitting) and thought I’d play a bit while I’m here, immediate disconnect, tried to remote in and replicate at home and what do you know, same thing.

I can understand the VPN, but the business class internet? C’mon Blizzard, it’s a horrible excuse to lump business email in with ‘Bad Actors’. You’re supposed to pull the weed, not salt the earth.

TL;DR: Blizzard’s poor choice on how to handle business class internet means you get a free 2-week vacation from D2. Enjoy.

It’s their product it’s their rules if you don’t like it just quit and move on to something else