Get home from work, fire up the desktop app to play D4
Code 7
Go back into the desktop app, realize it cannot log me in, and it cannot/will not actually retry
Restart the desktop app
Observe that, gee, I’m now logged in
How can this application not gracefully recover from Windows sleep mode? Sleep mode has only been around, for I don’t know, decades. It’s really frustrating, and every day I forget I need to handle this nonsense, get booted from D4 login, and have to troubleshoot all this.
Just fired up the desktop app again, and it’s just endlessly spinning, “PMasta Connecting…”. I’m going to have to close and re-open it yet again. Literally I just turned on my home PC this morning, immediately switched to my work laptop, ignored my home PC until just now, and now the desktop app will not log me in. As soon as I restart it, it’s going to be fine, guaranteed.