Where is old good Blizzard

I play only for blizzard game from last 10+ years…

wow patch 8,3 ;/
wc3 ;/


The Blizzard is dead, I think they need a new name because they do not earn to use this name anymore. Blizzard does not give support, they don’t listen and they do not do anything about their fascist culture going on. Blizzard is like a mini-china trying to control things they should not. They wanna control what you are allowed to speak and they want you to also be a part of that. They make you a referee and still the player. Take any SPORT and do that, and I promiss, if you FIND ANY SPORT where it’s actuall working having the contendents doing the referee, I’m all EARS and I GIVE RIGHT TO BLIZZARD. But, since there is no existing SPORT where they allow the contendents do the judges. I i know Blizzard does not exist no more. The true Blizzard wouldn’t be that stupid.

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