Why was my named changed to something imo very racist to a POC (person of color). the ticket system busted and i fail to see whats offensive / inappropriate about Spacedog. Can people abuse the report system? Is all you need a 4 or 5 stack and you can mass report and change peoples account?
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No, the only way to get a forced name change is if a Bliz human applies it.
There have been mistakes with this esp with Immortal or other free games (maybe?). Spacedog is not a bad Battletag that a GM would change.
Please be sure to appeal. You may need to appeal more than once. The first time is often an auto reply, re-opening it should get you a GM. They will still use a template to reply, but they should look over it.
There is nothing wrong with Spacedog that I can see.
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