Welcome to the Blizzard API forums! Here you’ll find links to documentation and discussions between the developers of the various APIs and the community consuming them. This forum is intended for developers interested in the services provided by Blizzard Entertainment, so be aware that the discussions may be more technical in nature than most other forums.
To get started, we recommend reviewing the documetnation, guides, and other information available from the below links.
Happy coding!
Congrats on the new forum!
I’m Donald, and I’m new to the forum. I’ve been lurking around for a bit, reading some awesome posts, and thought it was high time I joined in on the discussions.
Also a newbie here. Thanks for accepting me
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can i reply here?can i reply here?can i reply here?can i reply here?can i reply here?
Thanks all first time on here!
maybe these developers can help the GM’s tell players what they are banned for!
Looking to help fix the game and all the problems that are occurring right now.
Guild Bank Roster and many other problems
The matching mechanism in Heroes of the Storm is a piece of s-h-i-t, so you fail and then choose to give up instead of change, great attitude! Go to hell, once Blizzard games might have been great, but now all that’s left is disappointment, you’re just a bunch of game developers who let your customers down, old-fashioned old guys