We got a patch!

They actually did it


And with BALANCE changes, to boot! Wow!

Paladin buff, Ogre Mage Nerf, and Archer/Axethrower buffs. Very neat.


Tall Pixels added to Warcraft I is awesome!

Now we just need animated intermissions, map screens, victory/defeat screens, and endings back.

We also need multiplayer back!

And some animation and sprite fixes for both Warcraft I and Warcraft II! (Infamous misaligned woodchopping in Warcraft 1 is a great example).

For Warcraft II, all we need now is the rest of the BNE features and some QoL!


Falling in love with Blizzard again. Pls promise me it won’t be abusive again

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I was just about to delete all the war2 games and check back in a few years. Good job! We need triggers or a modding framework and custom maps to auto download.

I gotta test now if mass archers can be a thing lol

We need queuing units, closer gold mines pathing, larger maps, more trees and more hotkeys. Better path finding and also every tree shall have more wood than usual. Because 3 peons easily cuts all the wood in 2 minutes.
That should be fix.

Add more gold mines to maps and more oils.

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Queuing, queued commands, rally point, auto heal, auto repair. idle workers.

Thanks for the patch blizzard.

Keep up fixing the missing/broken staff.

Please don’t do this:

or this

We don’t need a remake.


Please no, don’t make the game play itself, it’s not Warcraft 3 there is beauty in watching players execute actions in Warcraft 2 I am glad they are not doing this.

Have you ever watched a player heal his troops properly or lust or repair a wall skillfully in multiplayer? It is very cool to watch knowing every single action is done purposely.

Why make it play itself when watching someone doing it right is so much fun?


My wife said this morning “this is the first time ever I hear you say something positive about blizzard!” :laughing:

We know each other about 10 years :wink:


Would someone be able to better explain this change to blood lust?
" * * * Double damage is now applied after armor reduction instead of before."

I know bloodlust was OP as crap forever. With this change what exactly does this mean. Does the unit have a armor reduction but does double damage? I thought i read somewhere that it was triple damage for the longest time.

Many thanks!

In short.

Unit A has, say, 10 damage.
Unit B has 5 armor.

Without Bloodlust, Unit A deals 5 damage - 10 minus 5.

With the Old Bloodlust, that 10 would get doubled BEFORE accounting for armor, resulting in 20 attack vs 5 armor, 15 damage.

Now, armor is accounted for first, meaning that 10 becomes 5, then gets doubled back to 10.


TY for the explanation. makes sense now. I use to hate going against orc just for that spell alone.

another update? hopefully you fix some bugs?

Please fix the player starting position problem. It’s not fun to know where the others start in non full games


I’d like to see a toggle option provided to choose between default/new balance rules for both games. At least for the single player campaigns.


The AOE, and AOM remasters had these QOL improvements and more.

The ultimate goal would be new content and big overhauls.

Different games

Definitely not. If you want new content and a completely different game, ask for Warcraft 4 or play Warcraft 3.

I love war2 for what it is and I don’t want it to fully change. The goal of a good remaster is to stick true to the original and your suggestions would do the opposite.


I agree, If we keep adding features, it won’t be WCII anymore.

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