WC2: You can't play single player w/o connection to bnet

This morning I wanted to play custom scenarios, for fun by myself before everyone wakes up. But the game kept saying it lost connection to bnet, clicking Close, the only button available, exits the program. Can we decouple the game from requiring bnet? I just want to play single player. Not to mention my internet is working fine…

Edit: I got it to work. The error is happening when launching the game via the shortcut the installation created on the desktop. I re-logged into battle.net, and tried again. Same error. But if you launch the game from within the battle.net client application it works. Not sure of the bug here. But in any case, why is a connection to bnet required to launch the game, it should only matter when choosing multiplayer


Warcraft II has always had hidden switches. Here is how you can pull this off.

  1. Open Command Prompt type CD “C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft II Remastered\x86” then type “Warcraft II.exe” tigerlily orc1 noglues title

  2. You can also open up the Battle.net Launcher click the Gear > Game Settings > Check Additional command line arguments and add this in. tigerlily orc1 noglues title

So, this will load into orc1 campaign with no briefing, video, and bypass the battle.net no connection.

Enjoy! :slight_smile: