Win 7 here Same issue. I could run it before. Tried everything, Pagefile, Nvidea, Drivers, you name it. The only thing I haven’t done is a fresh windows installation.
No it just crashes and sometimes Freezes 0-5 minutes in. Sometimes I get a errorcode I find no information about. This could be 2 sepperate problems for me. Did a clean start without services gradually enabling them, nvidea first. Nothing helps. RAM is fine, Temperatures are fine, tried downclocking CPU, adding exeptions, downgrading nvidea, repairing installation, repairing pagefile etc.
Anyone get a fix for this? It’s only started happening to me today, previously been working fine.
Both Cold War and Warzone taking about 2 mins to launch then when they do they sit on a black screen for 5-10mins without doing anything. Then sometimes it moves onto another loading screen before crashing.
Updated PC, drivers, scanned game for problems etc and nothing. Don’t wanna delete and redownload cause it takes ages.
CoD isn’t developed by Blizzard, so they do not offer support for the game client here. You’d want to reach out to Activision for assistance with this type of issue. More info pinned at top of forum: