Warzone Crashes after 3 - 5 min with no error

It’s pretty simple, I’m playing Warzone for at least 3 - 5 minutes when the game closes on its own. No error message reported.

Don’t know what to do.


My friend is having the same problem as you. It crashes for me once every two hours ish as well, really annoying. I think it’s got something to do with the 200mb update they rolled out yesterday because prior to that the game ran fine.


yup happening to me as well. i can play for 3-10 min even on campaign and it closes not crash …close really annoying don’t know what to do about it but i cant play at all and i just got the game 2 days ago. hope issue gets resolved asap. if any one knows a fix please…please help :frowning:

Same issue here, struggling to find a consistent cause, but watching this thread hoping for an update (even if its just confirmation that there was a bug in the update).

I thought I was the only one with the issue. Hopefully it gets resolve at some point soon. I really want to play.

It ran fine before update, like Euby said, and I’ve toyed around with settings, but to no avail. I might try reinstalling overnight, but I don’t suspect that will help much. I literally just bought the pass too lol, I’ve been able to finish only 2 matches without crashing…I hope i’m not racking up losses because it thinks I’m quitting

It’s not showing up on geforce exp for me. Everytime they update I have to optimize it or I keep getting dev errors which are bullshit. Aside from that all the random blizzard errors from time to time which kicks me to desktop

I’m having the same issue. Doesn’t matter what mode but have one game I have to restart the game. If I play two games consecutive the game freezes or looses connection to the game server wont load or exit. I have to alt f4 to close the game and restart. I have updated the drivers and uninstalled and reinstalled. Still the same effect.

ami tambien me hace lo mismo estoy jugando y se me cierra solo

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Same thing for me load in drop my guy kinda runs by himself not touching anything and then bam booted out to desktop screen

I’m still crashing every game even after most recent update…It’s actually becoming quite frustrating…

I had that same issues last month and the solution can be found below:

It really works… Thank me later.

I had that same issues last month and the solution can be found below:

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That is not a valid solution, the game worked fine prior to update, the update seems to have introduced my problems. I did not pay for a game to have to modify files. My hardware meets specs so I shouldnt have to do anything more than adjust in game settings

agreed, this was introduced by the most recent update for me as well. ive tried all the fixes and NOTHING has worked. Hoping they do an update soon

Blizzard Technical Support is only able to offer support for install, patch, connection issues to the Blizzard Application. For crashing issues with Warzone or Modern Warfare, please contact Activision Support or refer to the Modern Warfare forums.