Warzone Crash to desktop

I´m getting a crash to desktop as soon as it says it is connecting to the servers in PC.

I was never able to finish downloading the shaders.

I have a RX 580 + an I5 4790.

Updated Win 10, AMD Drivers and scanned and repaired the games´ files :frowning:

What should I do?

Where are the crash logs?

Exactly the same problem here and I have the exact opposite config (AMD CPU Ryzen 1500x and Nvidia GPU 1060 6gb) so the problem doesn’t come from your config

I didn’t solve the problem yet even though I tried everything (rename the files, delete the cache, enable d3d11, update my drivers and W10, change the priority, disable fullscreen mode etc. etc.)

Are you guys getting the Fatal Error 6328?

No, in fact I am getting no error at all. It closes and goes to desktop without any error or warning. I don´t even know where are crash logs located, or if they even exist.


Yes the same here, i already check and do everything, would someone from support will share something with us?.

I have the same problem. Did you already solve it ??? I hope Blizzard dont take too long to solve it cause is so annoying

No, I reposted the problem in other Blizzard forum. They are ignoring me haahhaaha

I had it then and still have it now till date tried every fix from every online sources I could think of and nothing really fixed it will they never resolve this issue?

Hey az42069,

All the CoD games belong to Activision. Bliz’s only involvement with them is selling, installing and patching.

Thus everything else, such as crashing, falls to Activision. You can find Activison’s support site here.

a mi no me deja jugar warzone soy nuevo y me pide juagar entrenamiento cunado va a cargar la partida se traba y me saca y no sale ningún error y luego cuando me vuelvo a meter me dice que no se cerro que hago para alegrarlo