Warzone Crash After joining a Game

I already uninstalled and reinstalled the game 2 times. And the game keeps crashing. Once I enter a game of Rebirth the game crashes for no reason. It does not show any error message, but when you open it again it shows the box that it did not close correctly.

I already reinstalled windows, drivers, everything. It only happens with this game.


I have the same issue just started today. Uninstalled and reinstalled, checked all drivers, and updates.
Warzone is probably just broken again. I can join into rebirth but after a minute or 2 I just lag out

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i have the same problmes,uninstalled and reinstalled the game 3 times And the game keeps crashing…unitll 2 days

cant get into vanguard at all or any COD


I haven’t been able to open any COD game (warzone or Vanguard) in 2 months. Of course, Activision couldn’t be any less helpful if they went bankrupt.

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warzone has an update rn if the problem fixe ill tell you here. for now i hope this issue is fixed :c

same exact problem with mine as well. its been over a month now. i have done every single trouubleshoot i have seen and nothing works.

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small update obviously without the help of acti and blizzard. in my case it was enough to remove oc from the ram and it worked again

This new update (4gb aprox) fix atleast for me the issue, i can play as normaly i do. I hope your issue is fixed too bros.

Its the same for me but it crashes a bit after i open the game and there isn’t an error code.
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling, repairing etc and for some reason it won’t let me send a message to blizzard support :frowning:

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