Today, we deployed hotfixes to address the following issues:
Warcraft II: Remastered
1.0.0. 2157
- The game will now notify you if your drivers don’t support the correct
version of OpenGL.
- Fixed a bug in Spanish (Latin) language support.
- Fixed a crash when trying to create certain multiplayer lobbies.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when loading a saved game.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when loading a saved game.
- Fixed an issue where fog of war could be disabled in multiplayer games.
- Updated Building Shadows.
Today, we deployed hotfixes to address the following issues:
- Added the ability to open and close slots in multiplayer lobbies.
- Tileset now accurately reflects the correct biome in multiplayer lobbies.
- Fixed the visual bug where the wrong resource level was displayed in lobby.
- Localized clan names in alliances menu.
- Localized races in lobby dropdowns.
- Race now defaults to “Random” when joining a lobby.
- Added support for unicode characters in custom map file names.
- Fixed classic death knight portrait team color masking issue.
We’ve just deployed hotfixes for Warcraft II: Remastered –
- Fixed a bug where an error occurred when joining some multiplayer lobbies.
- The Escape key now closes the Pause menu.
With hotfixes that are now live:
- Flying unit behavior changes reverted.
- Fixed an issue where ground units would stack on top of each other.
- Reverted the ranged unit behavior changes that was allowing players to bypass attack cooldowns.
Today we deployed the following hotfix:
- Fixed an issue where random start locations could cause an instant defeat on certain maps. When making maps, ensure you use the correct sequence of start locations, i.e. 1-4 for 4 player maps, instead of 1-3 and 7.