Warcraft II: Remastered Bugs

This is awesome. Wanted to report a few bugs I’ve noticed:

Fixed in!
[Audio] Music does not play during Human mission briefings
1. Start a new campaign
2. Pick any Human mission
→ Voiceover plays with no music
Expected: “HWARROOM” should play during the voiceover

[UI] No button highlight on Mission Selection screen

  1. Complete at least one Campaign mission so that multiple missions are unlocked
  2. From Main Menu, click New Campaign
  3. Select any campaign
  4. Click any mission in the list
    → There is no UI change to the button indicating which mission is selected
    Expected: The selected button should have an “active” state such as a highlight or border so you can tell which mission is selected

[UI] “New Campaign” button should instead say “Campaign”

  1. From main menu, click the “New Campaign” button & select a faction.
  2. Notice you are taken to a level select menu.
    → The word “New” implies that you’d be starting over from the beginning, but this takes you to a level select menu where you can continue your progress on the campaign, so the text is not accurate and may be confusing.
    Expected: The button text should just say “Campaign”

[UI] Mission names should be hidden until they are unlocked

  1. From main menu, click the “New Campaign” button & select a faction.
    → Notice that it lists all the names of the mission on the left which is technically a spoiler!
    Expected: Missions should be “???” until unlocked.

[UI][Feedback] Campaign map should show the location of each mission

  1. From main menu, click the “New Campaign” button & select a faction.
  2. Choose any mission
  3. Observe the map on the right
    → This should have an “X” highlighting where the mission is taking place

[UI] Knights/Ogres show spells before they have been upgraded

  1. Begin Beyond the Dark Portal Orc Mission 1: “Slayer of the Shadowmoon”
  2. Select a friendly Ogre
    → Ogre-Mage spells are displayed (disabled) on the command card UI
  3. Mouseover the “Eye of Kilrogg” icon
    → The tooltip says “Requires Eye of Kilrogg Learned”
    Expected: Spell icons should not appear until the unit is upgraded. Alternatively, the tooltip should mention “Requires Ogre-Mage Training” as well.
    Note: In WCII: Battle.net Edition, the spells are not shown until researched.

[Art] Snow tileset has significant tiling artifacts

  1. Start Human Mission 1: “Hillsbrad”
  2. Inspect snow around the starting location
    → Pretty obvious grid & tiling artifacts in the snow
    Note: This is an issue with all the tilesets to an extent but snow seems particularly bad!

[Art] Snow tileset has one flipped tile

  1. Start Orc Mission 1: “Zul’dare”
  2. Press F5 to toggle to Classic art (makes issue more obvious)
  3. Examine tile immediately below the starting Peon
    → Tile appears flipped horizontally, creating a harsh corner on the right side of the tile
  4. Examine a similar tile 2 tiles to the left of that tile
    → Same problem in the other direction
    Expected: The tile should be oriented correctly to match the surrounding tiles.
    Note: I believe this is a bug in the original game. The art is wrong and the texture needs to be flipped horizontally.

[Art] Snow tileset: Snow portions of tree tiles are not HD

  1. Start Orc Mission 1: “Zul’dare”
  2. Ensure HD art is enabled
  3. Examine the snow at the very edges of tree tiles (especially, immediately above trees)
    → The portions of snow that is within tree tiles is not HD and still uses the original pixel art, causing it to not match surrounding HD snow
    Expected: The snow portions of tree tiles should use HD art

[Art] Snow tileset: The Orc Great Hall looks disconnected from the terrain

  1. Start Orc Mission 1: “Zul’dare”
  2. Ensure HD art is enabled
  3. Examine Great Hall
    → There is a harsh border between the Great Hall and the snow
    Expected: The art should have some shading/blending around the edges, similar to the Farm

[Art] Alleria uses male elf art

  1. Start Human Expansion Mission 1: “Alleria’s Journey”
  2. Examine Alleria
    → Alleria uses the same sprite as a normal Elven Archer
    Expected: Alleria’s art matches her gender :slight_smile:
    (Can Alleria get custom art? Or all heroes? This is much more noticable with HD art and particularly with Alleria)

[Art] Wasteland tileset: Mud does not animate

  1. Start Human Mission 14: “The Great Portal”
  2. Observe the brown mud near your starting area
    → Mud is static and does not animate
    Expected: The mud should shimmer/color-cycle slightly to appear “wet” like in WCII: Battle.net Edition

[Art] Tree stumps appear visually disconnected from terrain

  1. Start any mission using the Forest, Snow, or Wasteland tilesets
  2. Chop some trees
    → Tree stumps look very disconnected from underlying terrain
    Expected: Tree stumps should have a slight border or something to fit with the terrain better
    Note: The Swamp (expansion) tileset actually looks OK.

[Rendering] Action feedback renders underneath fog-of-war

  1. Start any game
  2. Select a friendly unit
  3. Right-click on any undiscovered area where there is fog-of-war
    → Green “x” does not render
    Expected: The “x” should render above fog-of-war so that the user gets feedback when they click
    Note: Does not happen in WC2: Battle.net Edition

Thank you!

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Add one more: In Brazil we can’t buy those games. We can’t even access the page to this games. And Blizzard is ignoring.

I have no audio at all when playing Warcraft 2 remastered or Warcraft 2 Battle.Net Edition…
I does work when playing other games like Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 1 remastered…

[Gameplay] Losing focus when attack moving.

  1. Start any campaign mission
  2. Select a unit or group of units that can attack.
  3. Using “A” key shortcut for attack move and rapidly repeat
  4. Focus group is lost after 2-3 clicks
    Expected: Units should hold focus until a new unit is selected.
    Note: In Bnet Edition after 3-4 rapid attack moves there is a bit of a lag between giving more commands for a second or two but unit focus still holds.

[Gameplay] While using spells unit focus can be lost

  1. Start any campaign mission with spell casters.
  2. Use unit hotkeys to activate spells and select a target unit or location.
  3. Upon clicking the target there is a decent chance that unit focus will be lost and the spell may or may not go off.
    Expected: Once a spell is cast the unit focus should not be broken until a new unit is selected.

[Gameplay] Dragons freeze on repeated move command (appears in Bnet Edition as well)

  1. Start any campaign mission with dragons available (this affects Deathwing as well)
  2. Select a dragon or group of them and repeatedly click to move the unit. This causes the animation to freeze and they do not move.
    Expected: Dragons should move but have pauses while moving like other units.
    Note: Ideally this would be changed across the board for all units to not pause with repeated move command, but that’s more a QoL change to the original.

[Gameplay] Ranged unit randomly stop attacking

  1. Start any campaign mission with ranged units.
  2. While using ranged units they randomly will stop attacking or have long pausing between attacks. Noticed most often with Juggernauts and Troll Axethrowers. Noticed most when Juggernauts are attacking towers and Gryphon Riders. Noticed this tends to happen more when attack commands are issued and not when units automatically start attacking nearby units or structures.
    Expected: Ranged attacks should continue in normal frequency.

Those are the major ones I’ve found so far. Making later missions quiet difficult.