Warcraft I & II -> Refunded

When I saw the trailer & announcement for this, I was immediately hyped. I rushed to buy and download the game immediately, and while the 1st couple of missions were fun, the shine quickly wore off that this felt buggy. Coming to the these forums re-enforces my experience when so many others are experiencing similar issues of Unit’s being stuck and not attacking, crashing, and things of the sort.

This just isn’t anything close to the experience I was hoping to have when buying a Remastered version of a classic game.


Did the trailer, announcement or any other advertisment mention anything about an engine update? Or pathing update? Or AI update? Or anything else besides graphical update?

And thanks for letting us know your story! Today is complete knowing that a you redunded something.

Did the trailer, announcement or any other advertisment mention anything about an engine update? Or pathing update? Or AI update? Or anything else besides graphical update?

Yes. Both received a QoL of update for modern controls. Attack as a group now for example. WC2 still feels a bit wonky, like the old one.

I bought the battlechest, played WC1 for 15m then refunded. I only want WC2 remastered.

Honestly I don’t blame you. The amount of bugs is maddening. Like I can’t attack move more than 1-2 times before it just removes focus from the current group. So many units just sit there and don’t attack. Moving units can sometimes get stuck. Repeatedly clicking move causes them to freeze up and not move. Casting spells causes target unit to lose focus. It’s making Beyond the Dark Portal campaign hell to get through.

Can you play the games especially I and II in full screen. I have the original Orcs and Humans non remastered version. I love the game but it can’t be played in full screen as far as I know.

Yep, both play full screen. 16:9. If you have an ultrawide it just blacks out the extra areas. If you switch to old graphics mode it just pull in the UI a bit but keeps the game full screen.

Tyvm. I really appreciate the info.