Warcraft 2 - SHIFT + NUMBER Control group bug


When I have units assigned to control group 1 and then attempt to add a new unit to control group 1 with SHIFT + 1, I’ve noticed a bug. The unit is correctly added to the group, but when I give an order, the old units do not follow the order. Only after selecting something else, and then re-selecting control group 1 do all the units in the group follow orders.


control groups are made with CTRL and a number, not shift hence the name…

I don’t remember how it used to work in WC2 but the new version works like modern RTS games since WC3 at least… Shift+1 adds the selected units to the group but does not also select the rest of the group. This lets you add it and continue to issue orders to just the new units. If you want to issue an order to the whole group, Shift+1,1.

I might be misremembering also.

Try it in game, and you will see what I mean. It does not work like warcraft 3 or sc currently. It seems like a bug to me.

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Just experienced this bug, and found another probably related bug:

Variation 1

  1. Create control group 1 with 12 units
  2. Select a unit not in that control group
  3. Try to add unit to group 1 (it’s full)
  4. Press 1
  5. Issue a command, like move

Expect: all units to move
Result: the unit you attempted to add will move instead, doesn’t have a bounding box either

Variation 2

  1. Create control group 1 with 1 unit
  2. Select another unit
  3. Add unit to group 1
  4. Press 1 - all units will have bounding boxes
  5. Issue a command, like move

Expect: all units to move
Result: only the last unit added move despite all units having a bounding box

Here’s a demonstration: https://youtu.be/jEmbdRcSHA0