Warcraft 2 Remastered Bugs and Feedback

Good Afternoon!

Very excited for the release of Warcraft 2 Remastered. There is a diehard community of fans that have never stopped playing the original War2. There are some great features enabled in this remaster, but in the short hour I have played, there are some definite asks for enhancements and bug fixes in future releases.

First and foremost we would love to see the old school WAR2 Battle Net capabilities in-game. This would include the out of game lobby, player stats, ladder system, etc.

Currently, Here are the opportunities weā€™ve noted in the first hour of play during Multiplayer.

  • No out of game lobby for chat / game coordination
  • Multi-player Lobby Options: Game Settings seem to always read as Low Resources, even when set to High.
  • In-game lobby: No ability to kick, remove, close slot, or ban a player from the lobby
  • In-game lobby: No countdown when starting a gameā€¦
  • In-game lobby: No option to auto-download a map you donā€™t have - you must copy the map files out of game if you donā€™t have it.
  • In-game: No player list in game showing player names, colors, and allies
  • In-game: No way to switch Chat to Allies : Must use CTRL+ENTER to do Allied chat. ENTER for chat defaults to ALL.
  • In-game: Turning Off Fog of War should not be an option in Multi-Player. An Early scout reveals everything all game.

This is a brief list to get started, we will continue to aggregate more feedback and potential bug fixes. This is a really exciting project and our community would love to be a part in shaping it. The bones are there for this to be really awesome as we continue to refine the classic feel with the modern remaster. Please let us know if we can be involved in any other way to provide feedback along the way.

Thank you for launching this project!!!

DiLLs (Kali IGL OG)
(BNET - Nahonchen)


That sounds good. Iā€™d like to add some little changes to balance the game.

Currently in multiplayer where people play ā€œto winā€, most matches are orc vs orc. Iā€™d dare to say around 80% from personal experience. The main problem for humans being not taken as much is the paladin unit.

The counterpart of paladins, ogre mages, are way better and stronger because of the spell blood lust. The equivalent of this spell for paladins is ā€œhealā€ which requires more intense micro, and usually as you are microing to heal your units, the ogre mages just destroy your army because blood lust is a buff that doesnā€™t require intense micro and the damage boost is huge.

Iā€™d suggest to change paladinā€™s heal mechanic:

1st option: turn the heal into an aoe effect
2nd option: turn the heal into a buff that heals over time, the healing over time should be strong enough to handle ogre mages buffed with blood lust.
3rd option: enable an auto cast option (but i see this debatable, autocast in wc2? How would people react?)

Iā€™m just throwing ideas and not values yet. Iā€™d like that wc2r gets played at its best, and seeing 80% of matches being orc vs orc just doesnā€™t feel right from my point of view.

Hopefully blizzard can approach this since wc2 community has been so loyal to this game for almost 30 years.


I havenā€™t been able to load Warcraft I or II remastered AT ALL. It immediately crashes upon hitting the ā€˜playā€™ button. Is there a fix for this yet?


hello my friend I am in the same situation as you unfortunately I doubt that today or this week they will review this problem we are few with this opening error, for my part I meet the recommended requirements and still my game fails.
I donā€™t want to refund it yet but itā€™s very frustrating that I bought it as soon as it came out and I canā€™t enjoy it.


Same problem here, if anyone knows how to fix it.

In Warcraft 1 Remastered and 2 Remastered, the text, whether in titles or cinematics (in Spanish), is tiny (size 4 or 6) and cannot be enlarged, making it impossible to read.

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Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered - Running into an issue where the game is giving an error that ā€œOpenGL 4.6 failed to initializeā€ is causing the game to crash and not load. My graphics card is up to date.


I found that if you have a unit selected and hold RIGHT shift and click and drag to select another unit, the first unit is unselected. This is unexpected behavior as in the previous game this was not the behavior (and in most strategy games).

I also second that the bloodlust be balanced. It makes the game a less enjoyable experience for human players.

UPDATED! - The left shift works but the right shift key does not work as expected.

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having this same exact issue, really hoping to get a fix for it soon or a tutorial on how to fix this. I want to play these games.

EDIT: So for me, my issue was I was plugged into my onboard graphics and not the nvidia card (stupid I know) once I was using my NVIDIA card it worked no problem.

Opening cut scene was a bit choppy for whatever reason anytime the camera panned or moved.

Having issues where friend and I cannot play. Depending on who is hosting one of us crashes on load to a message saying the game files are corrupt and to re install the game, weā€™ve both tried this but get the same error.

Would love for there to be a Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum etc. ranking system to make people want to come back and try to climb the ranks.


Glad I read the forums before buying because I only want to play multiplayer and these are all basic requirements IMO. I use to play a lot back in the day so not having these features would be a horrible experience.

Bringing back the classic BNET lobbies with channels should have been a priority.
And not having iconic beep countdownā€¦ what?

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Also, I looked at the campaign videos and noticed that the expansion cut scenes are missing. The PlayStation version of game had videos in the expansion levels that were omitted from the PC version. Since this is a remaster, I am surprised that those missing videos were not included in this remaster. You can see the missing cutscenes videos on youtube.

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I didnā€™t even remember the expansion had more cinematics than the endings. Oh you mean the ps1 version. I only played some campaigns in ps1, controlling units was so hard.

I didnā€™t discover those videos until a few years ago. I had always wondered why the map would show up without a video in the expansion and then was told about those PlayStation videos.

Another bug I found is related to the green X that shows up when you right click. When you right click in an area you have vision, the X shows up to indicate the ā€œcommandā€ was given. If you right click on an unexplored part of the map, the X is missing.

Another bug is related to selecting the map for a custom scenario. The map selector doesnā€™t have folders so all maps are flattened into one view. It makes finding a map harder as they are not in alphabetially order as maps from subfolders restart with A later on in the list.

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I agree with this post. Hopefully someone who has the ability to do something about this reads this forum.

I had the same issue helping someone else. They first had the war2 remaster crash right away. I spent a few hours trial and error. Norton 360 was casuing the crash. Once we rebooted and removed norton 360 we now have this error. I hope this save time for someone else with the random crash. But yeah time to update graphics card.

Bumping this just because it is a good summary of what needs to get fixed. So many new threads to go through, and we donā€™t want this one overlooked.

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