Warcraft 2 remaster unplayab;e

Cant click anything or move map in the window. Can click the resume and menu buttons…

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it works for me. though the selection outline is missing. you will not know what you are selecting until you click.

Yeah me too but press 2x space key and its unpause the game but game will randomly pause itself again. And i cant save and load too

Yeah got to it somehow cant save too lol have to go through half the campaign with cheat to get to last played mission …

the game autosaves your last mission. you can also go to the campaign screen to start from where you left off, unless you switch pc. the game does not have cloud saving so, all saves is done locally.

All saves and settings reset each time I close the game so its only first mission available.

that suggests that the game is unable to write to your windows account folder, as that is where it saves its data. it is able to do that on my pc however so, the problem is localised to your system and the systems of whoever else have the problem.

Every other game works fine but its always the blizzard remaster that has problems xD

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Yeah same for me
My war 3 is able to save and i can see save files but there is nothing for war1 and 2 its clearly blizz fault
i already refund dont care anymore

Having the same issue. I’ve tried uninstalling/reinstalling, I’ve tried installing to a different drive, nothing works.

I cannot also click and move anything. I cannot save. However, I can click the resume and menu buttons. Did you solve this issue?

Paused game can be “unpaused” by double tapping spacebar or enter. However, after few minutes it pauses again (solved again with spacebar or enter). The thing with save files is worse. Can’t save the progress is really annoying. Any idea how to solve this issue?