Warcraft 2 Forwarding Ports [RESOLUTION]

If you get a red error box when you enter battle net restart the game client. and logon again. and you can join games!

your internet connection is either very poor or is not processing UDP Packets through port 6112 you will be able to chat but will not be able to play games.

1: Make sure you plug in internet cable right into your wall NOT into router during warcraft gaming sessions…
2: If you do this, you can host , And you can join games without any problems.
3: If you get the glitch where warcraft 2 windows getting stacked on top of each other its a CNC DDRAW Issue And it can be worked out if you use a custom made ddraw fix witch you put inside your warcraft 2 folder.
4: Inside the battle net - Join the channel War2BNE EN-1
5: You can add my alias inside of the game -=MoneyMan=- If you want to play games with me.


To be clear for those who do this, this will also bypass a significant level of security that routers provide. Doing so, especially for extended periods of time, will expose a device to risk.

Therefore, use this method at your own risk.