Warcraft 1 Tall Pixels Yay! Rally points, etc, next?

The game looks much much better with tall pixels accounted for.

Can we please get rally points and similar quality of life features added though, bring this game into the modern era a touch more. (12 unit groups is great as is).

Maybe make the AI a bit more intelligent too, including attack ground mechanics.

Also a map editor so we can edit the stats etc and make our own campaigns would be great.

Also: turn on tall pixels by default, all the newbies have no idea what this is and why it’s needed. Make sure they’re seeing the game as it was meant to be designed.

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You can get Rally points and other under-developing quality of life features, but for War2 classic - Combat Edition. This version is made by russian fans, yet you have to search for that version.

And it allows already to have rally points in some mods, including a mod for the same base game.

Search for a guy called dannyldd on gamebanana and he has a mod thread called danny qol packs or something like that and there you can get instructions on how to install these quality of life features for base game, in case you dont want other enhanced features

same as for you ask for smarter - intelligent AI. that mod thread also offers a feature to make computers WAY SMARTER to play against.

Map editor, check in russian community - Combat Edition v5.0. This version contains the best map editor, Puddraft which contains so many features to mod maps, aside of the most basic war2 map editor.

good luck have fun

Play war1gus instead. It has all the QOL and more.

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