Warcraft 1, 2, & 3

Is there any plans to remake Warcraft 1, 2, & 3 for players who never had a chance to play those games before? I have the original Warcraft 3 with the discs. I really would love to play the original Warcraft 1 & 2. I don’t want them revamped and changed, just remade so I could download them digitally. I don’t trust those other websites because they could be hackers. Please consider remaking those games so the fans of World of Warcraft can enjoy playing the whole history of the game. Thank you and have a great day.

Blizzard has partnered with GoG to make older games playable on modern systems. That is the first place to look :slight_smile:

WC 2 -20% Warcraft II Battle.net Edition on GOG.com
WC 1 + 2 as a bundle -20% Warcraft I & II Bundle on GOG.com

They also have Diablo 1 available if that is of interest.

EDIT: Here is the official Blizzard announcement that they had released WC1 and 2 via GoG.

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