The shortcuts created on the desktop when the games are installed, as well as the ones generated by the client by clicking the gear & clicking create desktop shortcuts both are NOT functional.
Launching through the generated shortcuts, the Warcraft 1 client crashes immediately & provides fatal error “couldn’t open file number (check filepaths.h): 248”. Warcraft 2 does open, but the client provides the error "Lost Connection to Please login to and restart the client" - and again, close immediately.
i just bought the battlechest and can’t play anything. I have the exact same issue.
if i browse to the file location, launch it from there it tells me the exact same error message. How dumb, brand re-release and IT REQUIRES A CONNECTION TO BNET?!
a fix to the “couldn’t open file number (check filepaths.h): 248” error is to modify the shortcut to replace the “Start in” setting from:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft I Remastered"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft I Remastered\x86"
but this does not fix the other error, which happens on both 1 and 2:
"Lost Connection to Please login to and restart the client"
You can instead, update the shortcuts to this, which should work (for wc1 and 2 respectively):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\\" --exec="launch W1R"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\\" --exec="launch W2R"
This will launch them through the app rather than directly.
I noticed this as well. It’s rather annoying. client logs me off each day also and I have to log back in to play the games. Why would they require a connection? W1 doesn’t even have any MP lol.
I’ve made a shortcut/steam overlay launcher that fully works with Warcraft 1 remastered / Warcraft 2 remastered, you can find it by looking up ShizCalev on Github & going to battlenet-launcher under the pinned repos. :3
(I’m still a new user on this forum, otherwise I’d link it directly.)