Updating COD MW [20GB update]

The same for me. I have almost normal download speed.

had this error all day: BLZBNTAGT000008A4
and the download speed is 2Kb/s
so annoying


A mi me descarga a 72B/s, ya no se con quien contactar para que esto descargue normal.

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I just download with 155 B/s

See you on the battlefield in a few years xD

Da igual con quien contactes, si es que contactas con alguien, que lo dudo.
Estarán petados los servidores gracias al warzone gratuito y a la cuarentena, esa es mi suposición…

mmmm Battlefield…. thats the solution!!! XD

A mi no me deja actualizar, inicia y me salta un error, he probado a borrar el juego e instalarlo otra vez y ahora no puedo ni instalarlo xd

Same here! Starting with 23MB then after 30sec goes down to 178kB

Try jump region. Worked for me. had same problem all day

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Now donwloading normally.

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luego puedes volver a tu region?

What i did :

  1. Closed Battlenet
  2. Control + Alt + Del > Kill all Battlenet agent.exe
  3. Launch Battlenet again
  4. Before clicking on update > Change region to another one (i dit Europe to America)
  5. The Download will started
  6. If your download is not starting you must click on Pause (right side of the download bar) wait maybe 10 seconds and click again and your download will continue again.
  7. Don’t forget to change your region back when your game is downloaded.

Important : changing your region have no impact on the game because the game is multi Language


hellooooooooooo where is the tech guys here not even one reply !!!

like really dont do the update if you are not sure from your app man really sad!!!@@@@@

region hopping helps a bit

Actualy it was helped maybe more than 15 players…

That actually worked - change region (CTRL+ALT+DELETE and close all battle net applications before changing)

you mean the region button over the “play” button?

Changed the region to America, now its back to downloading :slight_smile:


Yes, of course mate.

done all said above about killing all battlenet.exe, still have problems. it has grown up only to 2mb/s but it’s still better than 500 kb/s. anyway, blizzard should fix it, it’s impossible