Updating Battle.net Update Agent... (45%)


My Battle.net update agent is stuck at 45%. I’m unable to install the Battle.net client on my Windows 10 Pro system.

I was having trouble with a Heroes of the Storm client version mismatch, so I couldn’t get into the game properly. Battle.net said my HotS was fully updated, but I don’t think it was based on my friend’s HotS version number compared to mine. Thus I uninstalled Battle.net.

Then the real troubles began as I can’t get the client reinstalled. I have tried all the advice on the other two or three leading Blizzard posts on this topic. Unfortunately, nothing has proven to work. To be clear, this is what I have tried:

  • Using RevoUninstaller to remove all traces of Battle.net from my system

  • Deleting everything related to Battle.net from %temp%, %programdata%, %appdata%, and %localappdata%

  • Deleting everything related to Battle.net that I could find in all my Program Files and Program Files (x86) folders on my three hard drives

  • Emptying my recycle bin

  • Restarting my Xfinity Gateway router/modem

  • Factory resetting it

  • Port forwarding three ports to my IP, that I read are used for Battle.net updating

  • Trying to install Battle.net on my WiFi connection, on my wired connection, with a VPN

  • Trying to install with my Avast antivirus disabled

  • Adding Battle.net-Setup.exe and Agent.exe and AgentHelper.exe as exceptions to Avast

  • Using CloudFlare’s DNS while installing

  • Trying to install Battle.net on a newly created Administrator account, as well as in Compatibility Mode for Windows 8, and as Administrator

  • Trying to install it with almost every other program closed

  • I have attempted this over multiple days, restarting my PC multiple times. I have repeated some of these steps countless times.

I am not sure what else to try. Please help! Thank you.