Update not working

When I go to update my Call of Duty, it works perfectly fine starting to update but it just says 0% @ 0 MB/s. I dont know how to resolve this problem, I have tried to contact support but none of the resolutions work. Please help me resolve this.

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Having the same issue.

Same for me , i am starting to be annoyed with constant updates , stuck on update

same issue - all games been happening 2 weeks now - no fix and not jsut me. are you aus based? - when i used vpn to usa it downloaded and let me in just not on aus network. but its not a good fix, laggy on USA network, and if there’s a mini patch and your not on the USA network it will boot you and suspend.

Not working for me either. Stuck at 0 b/s. Unfortunate, was really looking forward to playing rebirth island after work.

This is the most annoying thing I’ve come across. Every time I launched, I got kicked out due to battle.net losing connection with the server. Tried every troubleshooting option they’ve given me. Nothing fixed it. Then I uninstalled the game to reinstall, and it won’t stay connected to install. PLEASE help me. This is not an Activision problem. It’s Battle.net not staying connected.

same here tried everything